chapter 7 - Only the Mad Are Sane

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Same Night - Same Scenes (Montage)

Day One

Niko's Nightmare

Morning - Reed House - Niko's Room

Niko woke up with a gasp, looking around, seeing he was in his old room in the old Reed House, immediately standing up, confused.

Hearing a knock on the door, Niko turned toward the door, grabbing a hidden knife from the side of his bed, holding it ready.

The door opened, revealing Natasha, who glanced at the knife in Niko's hand in amusement. "Is this the new morning ritual I didn't know about?"

Niko looked at his mother in shock, emotional, not caring how this was happening, dropping the knife, running to embrace Natasha immediately. "Mama."

Natasha returned the embrace in confusion. "Niko, what's happening?"

"I don't understand how you're here," Niko admitted.

"I see your memory loss is still bad," Natasha stated.

"My what?" Niko asked.

They pulled away.

"After we stopped Vecna and Andrei, you fell into a coma for a few weeks, and you woke up," Natasha told him. "But your memory was having failures."

"Wait, after we stopped Vecna and Andrei?" Niko repeated. "That means we did win?"

Natasha smiled, nodding. "Yes."

"But Mikhail--" Niko started.

"We stopped him too," Natasha told him.

Niko looked hopeful. "So is it really over?"

Natasha smiled. "Yes, Nikolai, it's over." She put a hand to his cheek. "You saved us all."

"I did?" Niko asked with a smile.

Natasha nodded. "Yes, in fact Nadia and your uncle are waiting for you to join us for breakfast."

"Uncle Nadyr is back too?" Niko asked hopefully.

Natasha chuckled. "Yes, he is. We're all together, and nothing is gonna come between us."

"Ever again," Niko finished.

"Come here," Natasha told him, bringing Niko into a hug.

Niko returned the embrace happily.

But the happy hallucination didn't last, as Mirage was trying to get into Niko's head, finally succeeding as thunder was heard outside, and the sky darkened as the purple and orange thunderstorm appeared.

Still in the embrace, Niko started to feel something wrong, pulling away. "Wait, this isn't right. Something's happening."

Natasha started to burn, panicking. "Nikolai?"

Niko didn't have time to blink, as Natasha instantly caught aflame with just one more single touch.

Niko shouted in horror, unable to do anything to stop her from burning. "Mama!"

Natasha's skin burned and melted away until she was nothing but a skeleton. Her white porcelain bones singed, charred black, flames still dancing on her bones as she stalked closer to Niko. "You burned me, Niko. Now I burn you."

Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things) Book FourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora