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"I'm so proud of you, angel."

Gguk said once he pulled from the kiss and pecked Yoongi on his cheek and forehead. Yoongi was blushing and smiling his sweet gummy smile.

"Thank you for helping me too."
Yoongi also pecked him on his cheek and lips.

Then Gguk filled another separate tank that'll come handy in emergency situations and placed it in the secured area and got behind the wheel and drove off.

Yoongi notices how they are now outside of the city. Well, they don't really live in the centre of the city. So, it takes only 15 to 20 minutes to get out of the city depending on the vehicle they are driving.

The playlist Yoongi chose was soothing and best for the weather. While he was watching the trees passing by. And the drizzle has stopped but according to the weather forecasting app there are 87% chances of rain and the clouds are still dark.

Yoongi is now watching his Alpha side profile, a smile on his face. Gguk notices his gaze but keeps his focus on the road with a smile.

"I love you"

Yoongi confesses all of a sudden. The smile on Gguk's face widens till his bunny teeth peeks out and he blushes. Yoongi can see how his neck and ears also turn red.

-Ah, My Alpha is so ethereal-
Yoongi sighed internally

"All of a sudden?"

Gguk questions.

"Just felt like it. So, I said it."

Yoongi answers smiling and closes his eyes. He is still facing Gguk.

"I love you too."

Yoongi's smile widdens.

"Do you want some snacks hyungie?"

"I am driving Yoonie"

"I'll feed you then"

Yoongi said excitedly and reopens the one he was eating and started feeding Gguk with his snacks.

Once it was finished Yoongi reached out to his bag to grab his phone from it. It was upside down in his hand. Once he comes face to face with his phone he gasps loudly.

Gguk looked towards him worried that what had happened he stopped the jeep on the side of the road and turned fully towards him.

"I am going to kill him."

"What happened?"

Gguk asked, worried. Yoongi showed his phone screen to Gguk which was cracked which looks like someone hit it with a hammer.

To check it thoroughly Yoongi starts his phone. When the screen lights up there are 2 broad green lines. Gguk looks up at Yoongi's face and he looks like his soul just left him.

"Kitten, it's just a phone. You can get a new one easily."

"Give me yours So I can break it then we'll both get a new one after all it's just a phone and we can get a new one."

Gguk quickly picks up his phone and puts it against his chest with both hands hiding it from Yoongi.

"Yah you can't say that. Mine is perfectly fine. Yours, the one which is broken. So what am I supposed to say?"

"And you already have a crack on the screen"

"It was on the screen saver not on my phone screen. Well..."

Yoongi looks at Gguk with a frown.

"You should buy me a new one, you are the one who told me to give it to Hye in the first place."

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