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Steve couldn't take his focus off billy, it was like he admired billy and wanted him. After art class they went over to biology, it was calm but this time billy sat next to tommy that kept on making fun of him and making jokes. Snack time has hit and everyone bursted out for the classrooms heading over to the cafeteria.

Billy was not really interested and scrambled to the library to read a book. His favourite genre was horror and mystery, he searched through shelf to find a book that he desires. Not many people in the background just billy and some other guy that was approaching him slowely. He ignored the guy and didn't bother to look left to see the unknown person. Billy found a book with an intresting cover, he stretched up to reach it only missing two centemetres away. He leans over to try again, the luck faded. He decided to try one more time, slowely and carefully he stretched his arms along with his body he touched it but made the shelf wobble a bit, the heavy, big book came flying down until some guy bolted over and grasped it in one hand. "Jesus's, are you ok?" He asked genuinely. Billy gave a shocking glare and nodded slowely confuesed over the fact that harrington was here.

"Uh sorry-" he dispeard his hand to give billy the fascinating dark book "hm, thank you" he mumbled loud enough that Steve could only hear it. Looking down at the book he felt embarrassed. Steve gave a wearily smile and questioned "friends?" The younger boy looked up creating change in life "friends" he replied sorely. "Where are you reading?" The bigger boy asked, the younger boy pointed at the helpful corner that had pillows for comfort and a soft mat. Steve followed along with billy, they both sat down next to eachother and opened their books to have an eye on interest. Steve laid one of his useless hand on billy's thigh resting it comfortably, billy looked down with his bright red cherry cheeks and tried carrying on with his book until Steve broke the silence.

He asked lots of questions about Billy which made him look forward into catching feelings for him. They cackled and made joyful conversations. Steves hand remained on billy's thigh making billy helpless. "You should come by my house one day, like today if you have free time" the bigger boy smiled "um- yeah ofcourse" the younger boy weakly forced his smile. He was sure that Neil was going to be home "I could come by at four" he advertised. Steve was interested so then he agreed.

The bell barked into everyone's ears as they started to go to class. Steve stood up giving billy a hand, they both blushed and went over to the librarian to borrow their books.

The day went off pretty nicely but when billy drove home the sight of Neil wasn't as nice. Billy crumbled inside as Max sped passed to her mother. "Why is the house a mess!" Neil complained as billy locked the door. "Look I was going to clean it before you guys came but you came before I even knew" he rolled his eyes. With that Neil pushed him towards the closest wall (which was right behind billy) and barked at his face "that's not good enough, coming up with these stupid excuses and not paying up for it" Neil shot.

Billy began muttering "it's not an excuse.." Neil's face lit up on fire "DONT TALK BACK TO ME YOU FAGGOT" Billy whimpered when he swung at him leaving a red mark under his eye."You know what, let's take this to the room shall we" billy's tears formed and dashed out ",no,no,please no!.." He spoke under his breath. Neil dragged him to billys bedroom locking it after himself. Max began sobbing and hugging her mother that was upset for some support.

The loud bangs and crashes beamed out of the room, shouting was heard as well as sobbing. The sounds faded slowely as Max began to get more curious and hurt by the silence. The results were Neil storming out of his room and slamming it hardly, stomping to his own room. Max bolted towards billy's room hoping for him to be spared but no, the reaction on Max's face explained it all.

All she could see was a broken boy that was sitting on the floor hopeless and hurt. The bruises, scars and blood on his face stood out.his lip was ripped a quarter, his eye was dark red, blood all over his face and his neck sore, bruised and croaky trying to reach for help. His limbs were already sore but Neil didn't give one shit and went on with what he calls 'Punishment.'

"Billy!" She cried and bent down to have a better view. Her tears became more obvious. 4:15 has hit on the clock. Max didn't know what to do instead she called Steve to come and help her, she didn't want to risk billy getting more hurt by his father if she'd call the ambulance. Steve was aware and told her that he'd come right away.

She hung up and comforted billy who was sobbing and feeling hurt all over his head to waist. A minute past and luckily Steve has come by and sped over to billy. Steve looked at him in fear, he slowely picked him up carefully and walked him towards his car. Max stayed home with her mother to give eachother comfort. He placed billy in the passengers seat and bolted around to his seat slamming each doors. "what happened?!" He asked happing for an answer, he started the car and beamed off. "My- my- father" he replied shortly. Steve placed a hand on billy's thigh "it's going to be ok I'll drive you to the hospital" and with that they were there. Steve immediately placed billy into his arms and jogged his way inside. A nurse came by "gosh what happened!?" She yelled "his father did this to him, could you please help" with that information she rushed him to the room and he placed billy down who pasted out.

The nurse called for some backup that will be needed and they all did testing and checking. Steve waited in the waiting room hopelessly thinking poor boy.... I need to bring him to my house,

Word count: 1080

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