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Chapter 97. Let me dispose of the demonic barrier in your cultivation path!

Posted byJinyuJanuary 27, 2022March 30, 2022Posted inShenshang

Proofread by Snake & Lucia

The black flames were howling with laughter, surging forward in swarms. They wanted to devour Jiufang Changming, and savor this sumptuous dish.

But they were stopped before achieving the goal they desired!

Jiufang Changming, who had been wounded by the Buddhist palm, was still maintaining his vigilance, and the Sifei Sword was glowing faintly in his hands, its qi swift and powerful. As he raised his sword, countless spirits of the deceased were cut into pieces, scattering away like ash and ceasing to exist. However, the malicious ghosts and disembodied spirits had longed for their desires for a long time, so they had already lost all sense of danger. They rarely saw prey with a cultivation base this profound and this delicious, so they were still coming at him relentlessly.

Yun Weisi was looking down at him indifferently.

He saw Jiufang Changming’s hands gradually slow down, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and even eyes. Obviously, his powers were lacking, and he would not hold on for too long.

The snow-white tips of his hair were dancing wildly in the black fire, like falling stars flashing brightly in the dark sky. They were flickering quickly, and the sight of them would make others mesmerized and sigh with emotion.

The Sifei Sword had become one with Changming. It was blocking attacks aimed at its owner, striking back in response. This was due to Sifei’s devotion to Changming. It had gained a spirit, as well as a sword intention.

Most cultivators had personal weapons. This weapon was not necessarily a sword, but it would accompany its owner till the very end. Some people received their weapon from their master, while some stole theirs from other people. Spiritual tools had souls, and one could not treat them with neglect. Many people spent their entire lives trying to get along with their spiritual weapons, but they did not always reach the realm of complete mutual understanding.

The Sifei Sword, in contrast, was not like this. Every single part of the sword had been gathered by Changming from places all over the world. As a result, since the moment the sword was forged, it was fated to recognise only one person as its owner. Even though it had fallen into Yun Weisi’s hands later, and he could give it orders, Yun Weisi had been certain that this was Sifei’s reaction to the bond between himself and Jiufang Changming. After all, his cultivation base had been established at the Yuhuang Temple, and had been inherited from Jiufang Changming. In other words, he had adopted many of Jiufang Changming’s traits, so the Sifei Sword had agreed to accept him as the owner up until Jiufang Changming himself appeared. At that point, the sword would return to its real owner’s hands.

At the moment, this spiritual weapon that would never be loyal to anyone else had also reached an impasse, and was on the verge of being destroyed. It spared no effort, trying to save Jiufang Changming from grave danger, but in the end it could only block the way for his enemies, igniting brightly in its last breath. The black fire was utterly swept away.

Right after this, the blade shattered into fragments of light, before disappearing from Changming’s hands.

Despite this, the danger remained unresolved. The golden light was bearing down even harder, and a man could be discerned in the clouds. He was enveloped by golden light and auspicious clouds, while heavenly music and sweet fragrances had also gathered around him. He descended to the earth like a deity. If there was a commoner around, they would have definitely bowed down to the ground, pleading for mercy.

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