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Chapter 78. In a perilous situation, like a stack of eggs – Jinyu Translations


Proofread by Snake & Lucia

“What is this?”

“How do you use it?”

“Why are stone mills different from what I’ve seen in the past? Has the technology progressed?”

“What kind of sect is the Qingbei Mountain? What do they use as weapons?”

“Are you guys calling yourself masters of cultivation even though your skills are that pathetic? If you were to go back to my time, you’d have been called mediocre.”

Changming had developed a slight headache.

He really had not expected the Ghost King to turn into such a beastly, inquisitive man after putting away his hostile attitude.

No, not even a man. He had already died, so he should be called a beastly, inquisitive ghost.

The things of the world of the living filled the Ghost King with curiosity, starting with the utensils used in daily life and all the way to the distribution of authority between the major sects. He was even interested in food—obviously, he could not eat, but he still wanted them to buy food for him and give it to him to smell.

The idlest among them, and moreover, the one with the lowest cultivation level, was Zhang Jie. Naturally, he was the one who had to run all these small errands.

At first, Zhang Jie was unwilling.

His self-esteem was sensitive and fragile, and he could not bear others looking down on him. People with such personalities were not suited for the law of the jungle. But his talent was somewhat high, he had originally come from a small sect, and people there used to praise him ever since he was young. Only after leaving his sect to gain experience did he realize how cruel the Jianghu was. Zhang Jie’s cultivation level had been regarded as outstanding within his sect. Now, however, he had seen how vast the world was, while he was as miserable as a cloud of dust—not even worth mentioning. He felt especially inferior compared to disciples of famous sects, like Hé Qingmo, but would not admit it, so his words were dripping with acid with the slightest provocation. Although he was not  overly aggressive, he could surely make anyone fed up with him.

But all of Zhang Jie’s complaints would be swallowed back as soon as he saw the Ghost King. The latter only needed to move a bit closer, and the yin qi emitting from his body would make Zhang Jie forget everything he wanted to say at once, and work earnestly.

It was what people would describe as “everything has its vanquisher”.

Hearing the Ghost King’s words, Zhang Jie sighed deeply, as if he was going to have a fit of anger, but managed to abstain from swearing somehow.

“I haven’t said I’m a master!”

The Ghost King asked in reply: “Then who is? Jiufang Changming?”

Zhang Jie: “He probably is.”

The Ghost King: “What’s with that ‘probably’? You don’t agree?”

Zhang Jie had run out of patience, but he did not dare refuse to answer: “He was known as the strongest person in the world once. He had rebelled and quit several times, and not a single Buddhist, Daoist or Demonic sect agreed to accept him anymore. While he’s acting like this, even if he’s strong, since his morality is twisted, this title, ‘the strongest in the world’, sounds unconvincing.”

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