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NO RUMORS OR NOISE CAME FROM THE INCIDENT THAT CHARLIE CAUSED. A sigh of relief ran through Rebetta as the professors or Nolan didn't come to talk to her about the society. She sat in the library, working quietly on her latin homework. Mr. Mcallister walked in quietly, tapping her on the shoulder. She looked up. Did he figure it out?

"Miss Carmichael."

She gulped softly. "Yes, Mr. McAllister?"

"Your grandmother, she's on the phone wanting to speak to you." He told her. She nodded, as she packed up her belongings and followed him towards the phones. Maybe Mr. Nolan found out Rebetta was in the club. She was going to be punished, she was going to let her own grandmother down.

She grabbed the phone slowly, watching Mr. Mcallister walked away from her. "Hello?" She spoke softly into the phone.

"Hi Betta," Rose spoke with glee. Maybe Rose didn't know about the Dead Poets Society at all. It's not like she wouldn't mind Betta doing stuff like that. Rose was a poet herself, who believed in love everywhere she looked. She lived her life in rose-colored glasses.

"Hi Gram," She told her. "How are you? You sound happy."

"Well, I am happy. It's a Friday afternoon, how could I not be happy?" She told her. "Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Gram, you already know. I'm probably just going to be studying or doing homework." Rebetta looked around, trying to make sure there were no teachers. "They watch you like a hawk, it's disgusting."

"I'm not surprised. What about Neil?" She asked. "Does he have any plans tonight?"

Her eyes widened. As far as she knew, Neil didn't have play rehearsal nor was he busy besides doing homework with her. "No.. I don't know if he has plans, why are you asking?" She asked Rose softly.

"Well, I was planning on having dinner with some colleagues of mine. I thought it would be a great opportunity to formally meet Neil himself and have you guys over."

"But what about his father? Will his father find out?" Rebetta asked.

Rose shook her head. "I will make sure that doesn't happen. Just go ask Neil. If he can't come, that is okay. However, tell him he is more than welcome to join. I'd love to get to know him."

Her heart swole. It made her very happy when she spoke about Neil in such a positive light. Neil deserved all the good things in life. He was a good kid, who got grades, respected his parents and yet he still gets treated poorly. All Rebetta wanted was for the world to look at Neil Perry the way that she looked at him. With grace and all the good.

"I will ask. But yeah, I'll come. It'll be nice to get away from Welton for a little while." She told Rose.

"Good, good. I hope Neil comes as well. Don't forget to ask him." Rose told her. She was excited and hoped that Neil would at least say yes, despite his father's wishes. "I'll pick you guys up quarter after six?"

"Sounds good." She told her. "Love you Gram."

"Love you Betta, bye bye." She hung up the phone with the biggest grin on her face. She had to tell Neil and ask. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high though. There was still a possibility of him saying no.

After her phone call, she went out to go find Neil. She was nervous because what if he said no. Maybe she was just overthinking it, like she always did. She walked outside to see Neil by the tree, studying his lines for the play. She let off a small smirk, sneaking up behind.

"Unmask me, you fool!" She yelled in a dramatic voice which made Neil scream, and tossed his lines. Rebetta couldn't hold in her laughter, because Neil's scream was hilarious.

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