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  THE EXCITEMENT  FOR THE FIRST DEAD POETS SOCIETY MEETING WAS BUILDING IN ALL OF THEIR BONES, especially Rebetta. Was she nervous to take such a big leap of faith by sneaking out of Welton and possibly get expelled? Yes. There was no question about that. But then she remembered Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem, seizing the day. She was only seventeen. College was coming very soon. These were the most important times to seize the day, no matter how big the risk actually was.

"Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall. It's right there. It's got to be on the banks." Neil whispered while the boys and her looked at the map that was laid out on the table.

"Guys, this is starting to sound dangerous..." Cameron warned the others. Rebetta wanted to roll her eyes so hard, it could get stuck to the back of her head. He was such a sissy, and she really wanted to tell him how it was. She just didn't know if she was brave enough for all of that yet.

"Well, why don't you just stay home?" Charlie asked like a concerned mother.

"For God's sake stop chattering and sit down!" Mr. Mcallister yelled at them. Rebetta nodded, as she went back to her homework but also trying her best to keep engaged in the conversation.

Neil excused himself from the group and walked over to sit next to Todd, who was just doing his homework by himself. It's not like Todd didn't want to sit with the rest of them. He really wanted to. But his fears were getting to his head. He didn't know if they even liked him or not.

Neil took a seat next to Todd and he looked up. "Todd, are you coming tonight?" Neil asked him.

Todd shook his head. "No, I'm not coming." He whispered gently.

"Why not? God, you were there." Neil argued softly with Todd. "You heard Keating. Don't you want to do something about it?"

"Yeah, but-"

"But?" Neil questioned. "But what?"

Todd sighed, not wanting to admit the truth to him but it was too late. He had to. "Keating said that everybody took turns reading and I don't want to do that." Todd admitted.

Neil sighed, not with annoyance but worried. Neil was Todd's roommate, out of everyone here... at least he could be a help. He wanted Todd in, he wanted Todd to hang out with the group. "Gosh, you really have a problem with that, don't you?" He asked.

"N- no, I don't have a problem." Todd stuttered. "Neil, I just- I just don't want to do it, okay?" It got silent between the two of them. What if he didn't have to read?, Neil thought. Maybe he could just sit and watch, which wasn't a bad thing. He wanted Todd to be included. He wanted Todd in.

"Alright," Neil spoke. "What if you didn't have to read? What if you just came and listened? You don't even have to speak."

"That's not how that works." Todd argued.

"Well.. forget how it works." Neil argued back with Todd. "What if...what if they said it was okay?" Neil looked over at the group, who was still fiddling with the map.

"What are you going to do?" Todd said. "Go up, and ask them?"

Neil nodded. Todd thought about it for a second. If he even wanted to go, he at least wanted someone he could trust besides Neil there. Todd's eyes beated towards Rebetta, who was smiling for a distance at Meeks. 

Todd then turned over to Neil. "Is Betta coming?"

Neil's face relaxed into a smile. Neil really wanted Rebetta to come. Neil looked over at Rebetta, who was now whispering at Charlie with a smile on her face. He wanted Rebetta to have a good time, he wanted Rebetta to feel included, who wouldn't want her there? Every time Neil Perry saw her, he felt like his whole world was on fire. Fire that had passion, and the romance that Mr. Keating had talked about. Rebetta then looked up to look over at Neil, both of their brown eyes connecting. Todd noticed and Neil looked away.

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