Boyd turns off the machine as he turns to Scott fully. "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day." He said, making Scott sigh sadly. "Boyd, I would have happily sat there, everyday, if you wanted. If you want friends, you could do much better than Derek" Scott told him, still trying to get to say no to the bite. "That really hurts, Scott." Someone said making the McCall boy look over his shoulder to see Derek, Erica and Isaac walking over, 'where was emmey?' he thought "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least make it a consensus one. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" Derek asked and Erica hummed slightly, "In a word? Transformative." She said before letting out a growl while flashing her canines. "Isaac?" Derek asked and Isaac smirked slightly, "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive... but other than that, I'm great." He said and Derek nodded. "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said and Derek smirked slightly and shrugged,

"Then go home, Scott." He said but Scott didn't move. Derek sighed then nodded towards Erica and Isaac, signaling them to start to walking forward as Scott growled and punched the ice below him before looking up, showing that he had completely transformed. "I meant, fair for them." Scott said before letting out a roar. Scott managed to throw Isaac across the ice and kick Erica against the zamboni. Isaac grabbed Scott by the neck, slamming him against the zamboni before tossing him across the ice. Scott tackled Isaac, and managed to slam him down on the ice before Erica jumped on Scott's back. Scott managed to get Erica off of his back by slamming her against the zamboni. Isaac threw a punch at Scott, who ducked then, punched Isaac in the stomach making him groan which gave Scott the opportunity to slam his hand down in Isaac's back. And kicked him in the face making him fall back.

"Don't you get it? He's not going this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Scott said before sliding Erica and Isaac across the ice towards Derek's feet. "It's true. It is about power." Derek said before his eyes went alpha red as he walked forward, claws out. Derek let out an almighty roar as he transformed. Derek slammed his head against Scott's before swiping his claws against Scott's stomach and punched him in the face a few times before punching him in the stomach.

As Derek went to grab Scott the McCall swung his elbow back and hit Derek in the face which only made him growl and walk towards Scott again. Scott went to hit him but Derek blocked them and punched Scott in the face. Derek grabbed him before slamming him down on the ice making Scott spit out some blood onto the ice.

"patere!" Someone yelled as Derek was about to press his foot down on Scott's chest, but he was suddenly flying away from him, making them all look over as Emmey walked onto the ice. "This is childish, you are such a child hale!" Emmey exclaimed as she looked at Derek and then turned to Isaac and Erica. "And you two, get in the car" She said to the two teens, who did as they were told, knowing not to argue with Esmeralda Mikaelson. "I don't know what made you do this Derek but it is so stupid, he is sixteen and you are twenty something, it's immature" Emmey said, making Derek sigh in annoyance. "This is why i didn't tell you what we were doing" He said and she raised her eyebrows and stepped forward. "Next time you don't tell me, I will rain hell on you hale, I might be your friend but he is a child, you could get arrested again." Emmey said.

Derek stared at her for a moment before glancing at Boyd and nodding then walking away. Boyd climbed off the zamboni but before following Derek out to Emmey's car with her and derek, Boyd stopped over to Scott. "Don't, you don't wanna be like them." Scott struggled to say and Boyd smiled, "You're right" Boyd trailed off as he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large bite mark. "I wanna be like you." He said before following Derek and Emmey.


"I know I should have told you Emmey, but I knew you wouldn't have come if you knew." Derek admitted as he and Emmey sat in her kitchen while the three teens slept in the spare rooms in her apartment. "He is a child, he was thrown into this life, no warning and no manuale, exactly like me and my siblings," she replied, making Derek sigh. "Speaking of siblings, how are your sibling's?" Derek asked, wanting to change the subject and not argue with her, he didn't want to lose her. "They're good, I think, but I haven't spoken to any of them in a while, but I think they are doing just fine, causing chaos in mystic falls." Emmey says as she drinks her coffee. Derek smirks before replying.

"I'm sure they are." Emmey laughs softly. "My siblings were undaggered, our mother came back and tried to kill us." She says, catching Derek off guard. "What?" He asked as he turned to face her fully, which made her sigh. "Yeah, after when i helped my brother with the moonstone ritual, after he created his hybrids despite a few failed attempts, turns out the gilbert girl needed to be alive but, an old friend turn foe had stolen our siblings, we had a meeting or some type of dinner to get them back but my own noble brother Elijah undaggered my siblings, they were angry, it was a sight to see." Emmey paused to laugh as Derek let a small smile slip on his face at the sound, before Emmey Continued. "Somehow my mother wasn't dead just asleep or something and she woke up, and decided to kill us all, because we were apparently too dangerous for our own good, she made it seem like she didn't create us, make us like this, her and father, oh by the way who is dead now thanks to Klaus." She finished as Derek sighed and smiled at her. "well can't say it's ever a dull day being your friend is it?" He asked, which caused Emmey to laugh and nod.

new chapter !! && I'm loving angry emmey <3

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