Deb Tea

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Nat's POV

Belly and I made a mess out of the bathroom as we scrambled around getting ready. Belly was still in her bathrobe drying her hair, while I sat in my bra and athletic shorts looking over the various southern belle type fashion pieces and fascinators that I could pair together. With the help of Belly, I settle on a black, flowy dress covered in maroon flowers. It falls the perfect length above my knees and it fits me in all the right places, I decided to keep it simple and go with a black fascinator. I look slightly as if I'm going to attend my late husband's funeral and then immediately retrieve the generous chunk of money he had left me behind, it's perfect. On my way back to the bathroom I pass Belly's room to see she's decided on the blue dress with yellow flowers. I get to work on styling my hair, leaving me with the fascinator perfectly placed on my head of soft blonde curls- and I only had one breakdown in the process. Belly comes in with her fascinator already put into place in her hair, leaving only makeup to be done. I do eye shadow for the both of us and I'm working on covering Belly's bruise when she says, "Hey, Nat."

"Yeah, Bells?" I answer.

"Thank you," she says sincerely. 

I stopped what I was doing to give her a confused look, "For what exactly?"

"For this, for everything," she paused, flustered, "I don't know, it's just, you always have time for me. Even though you're closer to the boys' age and they let you hangout with them whenever they want, you don't act like you're missing out or like it's a chore to hangout with me. I just wanted to say thank you and that I love you, ya know," she smirked now, "You're kind of like a sister to me, like for real, all I've got is a Steven. Don't get me wrong, I love the idiot, but you let me experience what a big sister is like, even though we're practically the same age."

I scoffed and punched her shoulder, "Geez Bells, when did you get so sappy?" She rolled her eyes at me, "I'm kidding doofus, I love you too," I paused, putting on an evil grin, "And hey, about the sister thing- no worries, one day we'll be sisters by law." Belly looked confused, "Ya know, when you marry Connie."

She scoffed in surprise and lunged at me laughing, "Shut up!" 

I put my arms up in defense, "What? It's just the truth!" I yelled laughing.

We continue are banter and laughing fits until Laurel calls up to us, "We're leaving in ten minutes ladies!"

We turned to each other, eyes wide. We were once again scrambling throughout the bathroom, adding final touches to our outfits. Laurel knocked on the open bathroom door as we finished our last strokes of mascara and out final puffs of perfume. She gave us a look of doom, "It's time." 

The three of looked to each other in nervousness, Laurel really did hate the idea of this. "Alright, let's do this Belly, if nothing else than for my mom," I said as if it wasn't my soul reason for doing this.

Belly seemed to understand my intention however as she nodded and spoke, "For Susannah."

We hooked our arms and looked to Laurel, who now seemed... proud, "For Beck," she spoke softly. We left the house and headed to the Country Club with a new wave of determination and confidence. 

All of that washed away the moment we pulled into the parking lot. Coming to a stop, Belly and I reluctantly left the car. We stood staring before turning around to thank Laurel for the ride. "I'm serious girls, one text and I'll come pick you guys up."

Belly spoke up, "We'll be fine Mom, really," I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, well remember your safe word Belly, lemon jelly-belly," Belly's face reddened and I stifled a laugh, "You too Nat, just remember: NatRat," now it was my turn to be embarrassed.

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