Fine Line pt.1

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You are his best friend.
Also sorry the your character is a bit dramatic at the start! Carry on and it will get better.
A few weeks ago, Harry Styles betrayed me. Let me set the scene.
It was dark at night, the rain was pouring, and I still hadn't heard from him. I was getting worried. He always texted goodnight so when he didn't, I texted him. 50 times. And then called him. 22 times. He wasn't picking up. I was worried about what was happening to him. He was never like this, but a few days ago, he had found out that Louis had died and he had been acting depressed ever since. I mean, if your former lover died, you would be devastated too, right? But he always said goodnight. Something wasn't right. I could imagine horrible things that could have happened to him. He could have been hit by a car, or is throwing up in a toilet, because he is so wasted that he can't even think properly? Or was he doing drugs? No, he wouldn't, he promised me. I made him stop doing drugs to help with his mental state, and he held my hands and said "I promise on my life." He wouldn't. I know he wouldn't. So that was why I was so surprised when he came stumbling into my house in the middle of the night, rain pouring on his head, stinking of weed and alcohol.
"Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. He didn't reply. Well, he mumbled something. I pulled on his coat and dragged him into the kitchen, making sure that I didn't wake up my parents. The water from his trousers dripped on the floor. He kept looking down. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. I wasn't sure what he was talking about until I saw it. And smelled it. The room smelled so strongly of weed, that you might have suggested that there was a secret stash of it in the cupboard. He looked up. I saw his bloodshot and droopy eyes, and couldn't believe it. He promised me.
I pulled at his coat harshly and we went outside the house and into the rain. I didn't mind. I had bigger things to worry about. "I can't believe you." I said. "I'm so so-" he said before I cut him off. "I can't believe you! All this time you promised me! You knew how important that promise was to me after what happened with my brother!" He died from an overdose of drugs, and his heart failed. Harry was silent, his head hung low of shame. "Look at me!" I shouted. He slowly lifted his head up. "I'm so sorry." "You knew that it was wrong, you knew how I felt about this, but you did it anyway! I can't loose you as well!" Tears were filling up my eyes and plopping onto the floor as the rain soaked our hair. "I can't believe you did this to me. You've broken our trust. Fuck you, Harry." I said slowly, leaving him and opening the door, hearing petty sorries and slamming the door behind me.
I didn't reply to any of his texts, or calls, and made my family do the same.

Harry Styles imagines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant