Fire and Ice

126 7 3

Tags: Alternate Universe/Gods and Goddesses, Yuzuru Hanyu Origin Story, Minor Character Death

A/N: Hello! Please accept this fic as my apology for spamming you all with pseudo Jade notifs :( This one is a bit sad, I wrote this the night before Yuzu's presscon. I love and support him with every decision he makes, and seeing how everyone hurt him all through his career, I feel like this story represents my feelings well. Hope you'll enjoy it! 

Amaterasu: Japanese Goddess of the Sun
Kuraokami: Legendary Japanese Dragon and Shinto Deity of Ice

Yuzuru Hanyu was never supposed to be on Earth

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Yuzuru Hanyu was never supposed to be on Earth



He resurfaced with a huge breath, his lungs were on fire though this wasn't a strange feeling but something he learned to live with. 36 seconds, still better than the last time which was only 30 seconds but again, not enough. He's been practising to extend his time underwater day by day, all of the attempts ending with dissatisfaction. 58 seconds: this was the goal, this was the ultimate point he was aiming to achieve because it only took 57 seconds for her. So he wanted to know if it was possible, to be able to stay longer than her and still be able to survive.

The ocean was a stranger to him, it felt like seeing a completely different face of your close friend you've never seen before. He was born in it, moulded by it, played, cried, loved, hated. Alas now that best friend, his confidante was feeling like a stranger. It was as if they had never touched each other before, as if it wasn't there all through his life. Maybe the ocean was jealous, it wasn't the trustworthy companion but the fickle mistress. It was jealous that Yuzuru gave his attention to another one. That's why it took her from his hands.

He still remembered how her hair flowed with the water as beautiful as corals, how her skin shined like the smoothest her eyes lost their light only in a second, 57th second. Yuzuru knew she was gone even before the 57th second, because he felt cold, the kind of cold he never felt around her, her personality was his source of warmth, not the Sun. Yuzuru never liked the Sun anyway.


Amaterasu was mad about how Yuzuru felt about her, how he compared her beautiful, eternal light to a fragile human. How could he deny his existence; the fact that he was indeed a piece of the said eternal light. This was the reason why Amaterasu took the weak human girl away from him, to teach him a lesson, a lesson about how family always comes first. She tried to warn him, sending vital messages through his dreams and visions. None of them worked because he was a part of her, carrying the same stubbornness and disobedience.

Amaterasu still remembered the first day of his being. How he opened his eyes to her nurturing light, the way he cooed while trying to reach her with his chubby little hands. He was everything that she wanted. Warm and peaceful without the power of destruction. At least that's what she thought.

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