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   THE small girl woke up to her doorbell ringing. it was odd, no one ever really came around to her house. nonetheless, she got up to check her door. she swung it open, revealing a boy who seemed to be about her age, only a couple years older if that.

   HE was tall, taller than her for sure. he had blonde, almost white hair that was obviously dyed. she had to look up to meet his eyes but they did not disappoint. alot of people say that blue eyes were better than brown, but not these. he had the biggest brown eyes that just made her intrigued for some reason. but then again, why was he at her door?

   " UM, do i know you? " she asked, breaking the silence that the two had from just staring at eachother. " sorry, wrong house i think " he said shyly. " well who are you looking for? " she asked, not breaking their eye contact. " two boys named sam and colby, would you happen to know which house is theirs? " he asked. she chuckled, obviously someone for the boys.

   TARA had been best friends with sam's girlfriend, katrina, for almost 3 months now, yet she still didn't know where the boys house was. " i do not, but, i can call kat and ask. would you wanna come in until i can find out for you? " she asked. why she was inviting a stranger into her house, she had no clue. but she felt like he wouldn't do anything to harm her. and appearently, he felt the same way about her, because he pressed a button on his keys to lock his car and walked in.

   " YOU know, i never caught your name " the boy said, leaning onto her counter. " and why do i owe it to you? " she asked, pulling her phone out of her pocket while shooting him a small glance. he shrugged as he looked up to her. she chuckled a little. " tara, my names tara. now i think since you're the random guy at my door who i graciously let into my house, even while not knowing your intentions, i deserve your name " she stated, scrolling to find katrina's contact. " jake webber, and trust me tara, i dont have bad intentions " jake said.

   " OH yeah? and how do i know that? " she asked. " considering you're friends with katrina and i'm friends with sam and colby, i think we run with the same crew. and if you don't have bad intentions, i don't believe i do either " he said matter-of-factly. " you do have a point, webber. but for all i know, this could just be a plea, you could be lying and just setting me up for a robbery " she said.

   JAKE chuckled and walked closer to her. she dropped her phone down on the counter, not taking her eyes off his. he walked so close to her that she had to back up into the counter to make sure their bodies weren't completely on eachother, yet, his legs still managed to graze against hers. " trust me, i'm not " he said, huskily, not breaking the eye contact.

   SHE swallowed and nodded, waiting for him to go back to where he was originally. but, he did not. instead, he reached behind her and grabbed her phone, clicking on kat's contact and holding the girls phone until kat picked up. " talk " he said, looking at tara. she felt the need to listen, not because she was afraid of him, not even to make him get out of her house, but because she wanted him to be pleased. and maybe even because she had taken quite a liking to this mystery man.

   " HEY kat, um, i have a guy here wanting to know the address of sam and colby's. uh, jake webber " she stated. " oh! i forgot jake was supposed to be coming down today " kat started, letting out her signature chuckle " let me just text you the address, by the way tara, would you wanna hang out at the boys house today? i'm going down there but since jake's gonna be there i don't think i'll have much of anything to do " she finished. " yeah of course, let me get ready and i'll head right over " tara said, almost forgetting jake was there until she felt his hand brush against hers as he was passing by, to which she jerked away from. " okie dokie! texting you the address now! " kat said. the pair shared their goodbyes until tara hung up.

   " WELL, looks like i'll be seeing more of you today then i expected " jake said, meeting tara's gaze. " guess so, now how do you wanna get the address? " she asked. " text it to me, let me see your phone and i'll put my number in as a contact " jake plainly stated. she nodded and handed him her phone, feeling the need to listen again. he put in his contact, to which he put the name as ' jake webber 🖤 '. she grinned slightly at the heart beside his name, but brushed it off as she sent him the address.

   " SEE you soon, stranger " he said, standing at her door. " off you go, webber " she replied, as he grinned and walked out the door. she locked it behind him and flopped back on her couch. this was already one hell of a day, and she had the privilege of witnessing more later.


hi everyone!
yes i know tara and jake
met at a party,
for the sake of this story,
just got along with it please.
much love,

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