Chapter 9 View, opinion, caution

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And James feels the claws of insecurity showing him their marks.

Love requires caution.

A caution that Net sees immediately in James' eyes.

His big, brown eyes focus on the outside facade.

A wall to cover his insides.

But Net dives in.

His eyes know all the colors of his resistance.

And his heart loses more and more the prospect of protection.

James just is it.

No matter how much he opposes it.

Net will never stop to take away the fears of this desired man.

And in feverish love, he will always feel the strength within him to win more space in his heart.

"You stay by my hand!", Net reaches for James cold hand, "Forever!", he murmurs to him and sees James expression soften.

And there are amorous smiles around everyone's eager faces as they get ready to take the plunge.

Four cameras film as bubbling blue gently settles and the view of sunlight reflecting in the water emerges.

Ripples of resting sand.

Rippling warmth in the wet soft.

And Nat's camera shows the first colorful fish approaching them in flocks.

Developing a small current for themselves and letting Maxnat share in it.

Nat reaches out and feels the soft tingle of the flowing water on his fingertips.




Fishes in the shapes and patterns of nature's artist.

And Nat looks up at the most beautiful work of art on his planet.

Max's large, muscular body lets the sun's rays perform a hot dance on his skin.

His body, surrounded by water, performs gentle waves and lets him glide through the warm water.

And Nat's hands float to the white glowing happiness in the otherwise blue floating sea sky.

He holds onto Max's strong upper arm and floats on top of him.

And Nat lets Max guide him through the worlds while holding his broad shoulders with his hands.

Max glides along the reefs, pointing out the special curves and mouths.

To the corals glowing colorfully in the water and their settled civilizations.

And again and again his big hands squeeze the ones promised to him.

His Nong at his back and the prospect of pure life.

Happiness flows through Max's veins.

Free-floating happiness with free love in his heart.

A feeling that James is not feeling right now.

He can't see or breathe yet.

The mouthpiece that is supposed to supply him with oxygen from the air above him is not being used.

James jumped into the water hand in hand with Net and is not yet ready to engage in the next moment.

Until he feels a warm hand on his waist.

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