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Ro's POV
Ro's outfit

The next day I was with Max outside of her house

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The next day I was with Max outside of her house. Today we're are actually having a girls day out and a sleepover.

Right now she's showing me some tricks on her skateboard.

Ro: Max can we please go to the mall now?

Max: Hold up, I need to try this trick.

She tries to do a trick but struggles and almost trip.

Max: Shit.

Ro: You okay?

Max: Yeah.

We turn to see where Max's skateboard is, but it was stopped by...Eleven?

El picks up the skateboard and hands it to us.

El: Hi.

Max and Ro: Hey?

El: Can we talk?

The three of us were now in Max's room, and El explains everything to us.

El: And then he said he missed me, and then he just hung up.

Max: He's a piece of shit.

El: What?

Max: Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick.

Ro: Yeah, and I guarantee you, him and the boys are playing Atari right now.

El: But friends don't lie.

Ro: Well coming from a family of boys and being friends with boys my whole life, boys lie. All the time.

Max: So from now on, you're going to stop calling him.

Ro: And you're going to ignore his calls.

Max: And as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't exist.

El: Doesn't exist?

Max: He treated you like garbage. You're gonna treat him like garbage.

Ro: Give him a taste of his own medicine.

El: Give him the medicine.

Ro: You got the spirit.

Max: And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass.

Max and I then grabbed both of El's hands.

Max: Come on.

El: Where are we going?

Ro: To have some fun!


The 3 of us got out of the bus and were at the starcourt mall.

Max: So, what do you think?

I noticed that El looked a little concerned.

Ro: Hey, what's wrong?

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