The next day, I was getting ready for school.

I was about to leave my room until I noticed some of the makeup my mom bought for me on top of my drawers.

My mom bought it for me, because she thought since I finally reached puberty, I should explore my femininity or whatever.

I looked at the box of makeup, and the first thing I picked out was lipgloss.

I put some on my lips, and decided to bring the lipgloss to school with me. Ya case I need to reapply.


After biking all the way to school, I met up with Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, and Will near the bike rack.

Ro: Hey guys.

Will: Oh hey Ro.

Mike: Hey Ro

Lucas and Dustin: Hey Ro-

Then for some reason, Lucas and Dustin stared at me.

Ro: Why are you two looking at me like that?

Lucas: Did you change your face?

Ro: What? No, what are you talking about?

Dustin: I don't know, you look...different. Doesn't she look different?

Mike: No.

Will: Not really.

Lucas: Wait, why are your lips shiny?

Ro: Oh it's probably because of the lipgloss.

Dustin: Lipgloss?!

Lucas: Since when did you start wearing makeup?

Ro: I don't, I just thought maybe I should put some on today.

Lucas: Why?

Ro: Look, I don't know. Can we just get to class please?


Time skip to Mr. Clark's class.

Mr. Clark: Meet the human brain.

Mr. Clark says as he place a fake brain on his desk.

Mr. Clark: I know it doesn't look like much. Little gross too, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution. All working as one. A hundred billion.

The door then opens to show the principal and a girl.

But I knew right away the girl was Max.

Mr. Clark: Ah, this must be our new student.

Principal: Indeed it is. All yours

With that, the principal left.

Max then tries to rush to her seat, but Mr. Clark stopped her.

Mr. Clark: All right hold up. You don't get away with that easy. Come on up. Don't be shy.

She then stands in front of everyone.

She saw me so I waved hi.

She slightly smiles and waves back, but not let anyone notice.

Mr. Clark: Dustin, drumroll.

Dustin grabs his textbook and hits it to make a drum sound.

Mr. Clark: Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine.

Max: It's Max.

Mr. Clark: Sorry?

Max: Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max.

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