She showed us the scissors that she's holding.

Mike: Uh... I guess it'll do. Dustin?

Dustin grabs his bag, and dumps all the stuff out onto the table.

Dustin: Alrighty, so we got nutty bars, bazooka, pez, smarties, pringles, nilla wafers, apple, banana, and trail mix.

Lucas: Seriously.
Time skip to recess at school
Ro's POV

Right now, we were all looking for some rocks for Lucas' wrist rocket.

Mike: How about this one?

Dustin: To big for the sling.

Ro: How about this one?

Lucas: Yeah, it'll do.

We kept searching for more.

Dustin: So do you guys think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-men or do you think she acquired them like green lantern?

Lucas: She's not a super hero, she's a weirdo.

Mike: Why does that matter? The X-men are weirdos.

Lucas: If you love her so much than why don't you marry her?

Ro: Lucas don't tease him.

Even though I wanted to laugh... just a little.

Mike: What are you talking about?

Lucas: Mike seriously?

Mike: What?

Lucas: You look at her all like...

Lucas then mimics Mike's voice.

Lucas: Hi El! El! El! El! I love you so much!

Me and Dustin started laughing.

Lucas: Would you marry me?

Mike: Shut up Lucas.

Troy: Yeah shut up Lucas.

A shit here we go again.

Ro: Leave us alone Troy.

But of course he didn't listen to me.

Troy: What are you losers doing back here?

James: Probably looking for their missing friend.

Dustin: That's not funny. He's in danger.

Troy: I hate to break it to you toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead, that's what my dad told me. He was probably killed by some other queer.

The two laughed.

Mike: Come on, just ignore them.

As Mike was about to walk pass them, Troy made him trip and fall.

Troy: Ha, watch where you're going frog face.

I then grabbed Troy's collar shirt.

Ro: I said leave us alone, or maybe I should give you a black eye as well.

I threatened, but then James shoved me.

James: Let's get outta here man, she's crazy.

After that, the two left.

We then helped Mike up.

Lucas: You alright?

Mike: Yeah.

Dustin found another rock from the ground.

Dustin: Hey, how about this one?

We looked and smiled.

Mike: Yeah, this is it.

Lucas: Oh yeah, this is the monster killer!


After school we all found El behind Mike's house.

Mike: El! You okay?

El turned around and nodded yes.

Mike: Hope on my bike, we only have a few hours.

She grabbed onto Mike on his bike and we were off.


Nobody's POV
After countless riding and walking, El took the kids to Will's house.

El: Here.

Mike: Yeah, this is where Will lives.

El: Hiding.

Mike: No, this is where he lives. He's missing from here. Understand?

Lucas, Dustin, and Ro put their bikes down

Lucas: What are we doing here?

Mike: She said she's hiding here.

Ro: His house?


Dustin: I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing-

Lucas: That's exactly what we did! I told you she didn't know what the hell she was talking about!

Mike looked at Eleven.

Mike: Why did you bring us here?

El: I-I

Lucas: Mike, don't waste your time with her!

Ro: What do you want us to do then?

Lucas: Call the cops like we should have done yesterday-

Mike: We are not calling the cops.

Dustin: Hey guys-

Lucas: What other choice do we have?

Dustin: Guys!

They all heard a siren.

They turned around and saw cop cars and an ambulance.

Mike: Will.

The 5 quickly got on their bikes and followed them.

They stopped at a big lake and hid behind a fire truck.

Two adults were picking up a boy from the lake, and placed him on a small boat.

The boy looked a lot like Will.

Mike: It's not Will, it can't be.

The boys kept looking at the boy.

Lucas: It's Will, it's really Will.

Ro covered her mouth and silently cried.

Mike was in disbelief. He turned around slowly walked to his bike.

El tried to grabbed Mike's shoulder.

El: Mike-

But Mike slapped her hand away.

Mike: Mike? Mike what? You were supposed to help us find him alive! You said he was alive! Why did you lie to us? What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you?

El:... Mike

Mike: What?

El didn't know what to say.

Mike then grabs his bike.

Ro: Mike, where are you going?

Lucas: Mike, come on. don't do this man. Mike?

Dustin: Mike? Where are you going? Mike!

The three of them said with tears in their eyes.

But Mike ignored them them and left.

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