Chapter 32

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The man easily told us where the sword was. Whether that was a good thing or not was still plaguing me. On our way towards the stronghold, I caught a few glares from Ela every now and then. I had pissed her off going against her. I shouldn't have. Ela knew what she was doing, I just needed to follow her lead. This would all end okay, right?

Ela paused as we reached the doors to the stronghold. The person who stole the sword was in there, just waiting for us. I could sense a large group of people within, but they were moving, fading. Meaning they were running. Being led by one person whose presence was stronger than the others. It was familiar too, Heimdall. He had always been on the side of good. He was one of most trustworthy people I've ever met, and yet I found myself on the opposite side of him.

I glanced over to Ela, knowing I should tell her they were escaping. I couldn't bring myself to say the words. Heimdall knew I could sense him. With his allsight, he knew where we were. Where I was but he still ran. He hoped I wouldn't tell.

Was this what Doctor Strange meant when he said he trusted me to make the right decision? Did he know this would happen? Had I already made the right decision? Or did I choose the wrong one?

No, of course I choose the right side. This was Ela. My Ela. She and I were partners for life. All we ever did was fight for Asgard. We aren't in the wrong. We can't be. She wouldn't put us on the wrong side. She was smarter than that.

I went to tell Ela only to see her already moving into action and sending lances into the sides of the doors. Once she had placed each one, she used her powers to crack the wall around the doors causing them to fall towards us and creating a bridge across the ravine.

Dust filled the air for a few minutes, before it finally disappeared alongside the weak presence of Heimdall and the others. They had escaped leaving the stronghold empty with no signs of life. I glanced over to Ela who glared at the emptiness in anger. I know I should've been mad as well, but I only found myself relieved.

Ela glanced towards Skurge. She was going to kill him, I could see it in her eyes. I couldn't let her. It wasn't his fault. I went to step in between the two but paused as I heard a loud gong noise echo through Asgard.

Ela's eyes landed on mine, recognition laced them. Someone had entered the throne room and was challenging us, with Odin's spear. More gong like noises continued as Ela and I came to a silent agreement to head towards the palace. Whoever this was they were about to meet their match.

I followed behind Ela quickly as we reached the doors of the throne room. Ela sent me a glance before entering. I followed and soon my eyes fell on the culprit. With Odin's staff he sat in the throne staring us down. My eyes locked with his, betrayal still filled them.

"Sisters." Thor spoke as he looked down at us.

"You're still alive." Ela answered, glaring at him.

"I love what you've done with the place." Thor looked up at the mural we had exposed. "Redecorating, I see."

"It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up." I locked eyes with Thor as I spoke.

"Or to cast it out." A moment of silence followed as Thor looked up at the images of Ela with Mjolnir, before he looked back at Ela. "He told you, you were worthy. He said the same thing to me."

"You see? You never knew him. Not at his best." Ela sighed as she stepped towards the throne. "Alongside Odin, we drowned civilizations in blood and tears." Ela gestured to the golden throne. "Where do you think all this gold came from?" Ela paused as she sighed. "And then one day he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life." Ela locked eyes with Thor and gritted her teeth. "To have you."

"I understand why both of you are angry. And you are my sisters, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be the both of you. You're just..." Thor shook his head as he sighed. "The worst."

I glanced towards Ela, reading her face immediately. She was going to fight him. Thor wouldn't be a match. She'd surely kill him. Ela gave me a small nod as she used her magic to put on her headdress.

"Okay, get up." Ela glared at Thor. "You're in our seat."

"You know," Thor rose to his feet and started down the steps towards us. "Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war."

"But must always be ready for it." Ela finished Thor's sentence as she lunged towards him.

Thor followed and started towards her. Thor with Odin's staff and Ela with a sword. I summoned a sword to my hand as I followed behind Ela. I may not agree with her methods, but I had made her a promise and I wasn't going back on my word. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Have a good day and be good people.~~

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