sudden hope

165 6 0

*word*=means I'm talking
*word*=means flashbacks, pov's ect
" "= talking
' '=thinking
/ \=whispering
~*bakugous pov*~
*after school*

Fucking shitty yelling bitch making me get a book from a library for english, fuck mic!  *sighs* oh well I'm near the library anyway. Hmm "sweet reads" read at the front of the library 'how have I never seen this library before looks pretty old but still very stable, oh well I still need the book so may as well enter'. As I enter there's a split in the store in the left there's a cute little cafe area with a counter and door behind it, there are long couch's with a table in front of it around the walls on the cafe side and smaller tables with chairs litterd around the center with baby blue walls and cream coloured counter however on the right side was the library which had rows and rows of brown walls of books going deeper in the shop which also had a front desk with a brown wooden table, both sides of the store weren't seperate so you can go on either side as much as you want. As I walk to the library front desk I see a fluffy green haired person.

~*izukus pov*~
I hear the bell ring on the front door and someone approaching the desk "hello! Welcome to sweet reads how can I help you
(❁´◡'❁)" I say while I turn around and I see someone shocking "kacchan!/deku!" We both say shocked "uh hey kacchan how are you" I smile at him and he actually smiles back! (≡^∇^≡)"im fine deku, do you work here?"I laugh awkwardly "yea I do, full time actually ever since middle school I thought it would be fun to work in a library and the owner is a sweet old lady let me work here not caring that I'm quirkless, so how have you been kacchan??" He laughed a bit "I've been good nerd, got accepted into ua so it's been a little tiring" I sighed "of course kacchan got accepted he's amazing" kacchan looks away looking... Wait is that guilt?? "Look deku... I-im uh I'm sorry bout middle school I just..i was worried you'ed get hurt so I tried stopping you for wanting to go but I took it to far I'm really sorry" he breaths out in one breath and I'm too shocked to reply "i-i don't know what to say, just heh" I start crying a bit "I've been waiting for those words for forever kacchan I forgive you" he looks shocked but also starts tearing up "really?..." I walk in front of the counter and hug him tightly "yea I really do" he hugs me back tightly "when do you finish your shift nerd?" he says his hands still on my hips and my arms around his shoulders "in a few minutes actually why do you ask" he chuckles a little and nuzzles my cheek with his nose "do you want to come to my place and we can talk and get to know each other again what do you say??" I giggle and hug him tightly again "sure! Why not but let's get you your book tho kacchan yea??" He laughs and nods.
Hey kiddos thanks for reading and credits to my friend for the propt for this idea Writer_AMC thanks kiddo for your help
Word count:566

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