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The baggage carousel circled back twice and there was still no sign of Kgomotso's luggage. This was ridiculous she thought. Waiting forty-five minutes to claim her luggage when she was already running late amped up her impatience. She refrained from sneaking another peek at her watch because that wasn't going to make time go any slower.

"Bloody hell." She muttered under her breath.

This weekend was already off to a bad start the first sign was when her sister called, informing her that Xola would be attending her wedding. The call left her so agitated she almost missed her flight to Cape Town, thinking about what she'd say to him if she got the chance. Against her better judgement she still loved Xola and being apart for a year hadn't diminished her feelings for him. It sounded pitiful to still be fixated on a man who left her to marry someone else, but she couldn't get over the fear she now harboured because of a broken heart.

Her shoulders sagged in relief when her cerise-coloured suitcase surfaced on the fourth round. It was part of a gift set from her sister, which she insisted on buying because black luggage was ordinarily boring. Kgomotso held back from complaining when she saw the price tag because she had scored herself a Celine collection without spending a single cent. She didn't wait for it to get to her, as she rushed to grab her suitcase from the maddening machine. A brief stop for coffee halted Kgomotso's mad dash to the exit, the dainty pastries on display were tempting but she could already hear her mother's voice in the back of her mind.

'A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.' Her words haunted Kgomotso, reminding her she was fat compared to Kamo her sister.

She turned away from the pastries with a heavy heart and paid for her coffee, she didn't even have time to sit and enjoy the brew like she normally would. Rushing out of the coffee shop, a towering frame suddenly blocked her path and in her frenzy Kgomotso couldn't avoid colliding into the man's rock-solid torso.

"Oh, no! Look what you've done!" she yelled frustration evident in her usually composed tone. This diet Hazel suggested made her grumpy, but there was no time to think about that because she had to deal with the idiot standing before her. "I was really looking forward to drinking that." She stared longingly at his coffee-soaked white shirt.

"You bumped into me, lady and ruined a quality piece of clothing." He bent his tall body and picked up his phone. "Great. You broke my phone too."

She snapped her head up, ready to give him a piece of her mind but instantly wished she hadn't when their eyes met. His eyes and skin were the colour of coffee beans and his big nose protruded from his face, enhancing his full lips and the neatly trimmed stubble, framing his strong jawline. She loved that he had a clean shaven head, already imagining it between her thighs. Colour stained her rounded cheeks as she banished the thought from her head.

Whoa, Kgomotso! Get a grip!

He truly was beautiful, like a work of art meant to be admired for a lifetime. He oozed sex appeal, effortlessly, and for the first time since Xola, Kgomotso was mesmerized by a man and this was most interesting because Xola never aroused her like this stranger. Yes, stranger, she needed to remember that because her thoughts were already going off course.

She slowly shook her head, gathering her thoughts and returned her gaze on him. She hoped he was oblivious to the effect he had on her treacherous body.

"If you weren't so busy on that thing, you would've noticed me, and none of this would've happened," she said, poking at his taut chest.

Her fierceness stirred something in him, something he'd long thought was dead and would never resurrect. He found it sexy that she didn't back down even though it was obvious she found him attractive. He noticed the deep yearning, which glistened in her warm-toned eyes when she blushed. He could almost imagine what she was thinking and that stirred his erection to life. He wanted her, to feel her soft skin against his, kiss the furrow between her brows and make love to her.

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