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"I have seen more monsoons than you have, son."

Mr. Raphael turned to Karim, while he spoke as he gasped for air. The dry desert air left his throat dry and the shifting sands had drained him of his energy. His gear made him more beat than the weightless Karim.

"That is because I live in the desert Mr. Raphael. You live in heaven on earth. It cannot be compared. It is a place we can only dream of."

Karim gave Mr. Raphael a smug smile as he continued to walk effortlessly through the unforgiving desert.

"Two more minutes and we will be there. Aren't you glad Mr. Raphael, that we did not take the car?" Karim continued.

"What do you mean lad? Wouldn't the car have been more convenient for us?" Mr. Raphael inquired in a genuinely confused manner.

"It is a luxury Mr. Raphael, that only the blessed can afford. I was born less fortunate, so I walk. I walk even if it kills me Mr. Raphael, since I have a long way to go before I reach back home, to my people." Karim replied.

"Well, I get to learn about you and enjoy your company so I am glad either ways. I love the work you are doing here friend, it is wonderful. A school in the middle of nowhere, an idea only a crazy person can come up with!" Mr. Raphael exclaimed as he walked faster to catch up with Karim.

"The crazy always have an idea that gives them the will to carry on Mr. Raphael. There are no distractions. There is only pure dedication. Now tell me Mr. Raphael, if you are driving down the street and an old man and a baby cross from opposite sides, what will you hit?" Karim asked calmly as he waited for Mr. Raphael to catch up.

"I think it would be the old man... the baby has a long life to live. He might even be the future president for all we know son. What do you have to say about that though?" Mr. Raphael replied.

"Exactly my point Mr. Raphael. You hit the brakes first." Karim chuckled as he replied.

"Oh lord, I did not see that coming!" Mr. Raphael sighed.

"We are often shrouded in mystery about the future. We keep thinking about what we should do. We forget that we need to live in the present to build the future. Mr. Raphael, what if the old man was the child's beloved grandparent?"

"Well then-" Mr. Raphael cut in and got cut out by Karim.

"I'll answer. The child would be upset for the rest of his life. He would not be able to live with what he saw. If you would have hit the brakes, the child would have been spared from the shock. We focus on WHAT COULD BE, and not on WHAT IS Mr. Raphael."

"I would say that you are indeed wise. A kid your age is usually found in pubs getting drunk and hitting on girls. I am glad your parents raised such a fine man." Mr. Raphael replied as he caught on and walked alongside Karim.

"My parents might not be like you imagine them to be. They are indeed present but they are formless, yet they form everything. They are my principles Mr. Raphael. I lost my biological parents when I was 3." Karim replied as his gaze moved towards the sky.

"My condolences, Karim. I can unfortunately, relate to your suffering. I lost mine too when I was a child. Little did I know about how it feels like to have a parent. The society whipped me into shape and helped me become the person I am today. It made me curious, witty, protective and smart. There are countless individuals I would like to thank for the same." Mr. Raphael's voice softened as he stopped speaking.

"You might now understand why I built this school Mr. Raphael. A wealthy man works hard his entire life yet leaves everything behind when he becomes one with the sky. What of knowledge then? Shouldn't it be imparted to everyone? Knowledge as a substance, belongs to no one. It is everywhere, it is every thing and yet it has no form."

"That was quite a statement lad, can you elaborate?"

"Sure Mr. Raphael, I believe you deserve to know. Owing to your efforts in surviving this desert just to see this little shack which we call school." Karim took a deep breath.

"Mr. Raphael, knowledge is malleable. It takes the form we want it to. The world might end or a new resource of infinite energy can be born from the same knowledge imparted to a capable person. A madman or a hero, we have the choice to decide Mr. Raphael. The choice is knowledge too, as it teaches right or wrong. However, right and wrong is knowledge as well." Karim increased his pace as the school started to approach near.

A small shack, right in the middle of the desert. A shack with no doors, big windows, made with thick brick walls and a roof built with hay, stood there proudly. The vast and engulfing desert, stood no chance against this small shack referred to as the school. Karim smiled as he entered the shack and so did Mr. Raphael. They knew that this is where the change begins, this is where the world changes. This is where the creators of history will be born. This is where humans, are made.

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