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Growing up I was always told that I had the perfect family. Mom was a school teacher dad worked at the bank and we lived comfortably in our two story house. How stupid humans can be if they believe what they see from five seconds of knowing someone.

What was the reality ? You may ask my life was not perfect. The monstered you feared growing up is the one who raised me. He's the one that tucked me in every night. He's the one that brushed my hair and dressed me. He's the one I called dad.

What they didn't know is every night he tucked me in it was because I was to drugged to get in bed myself. For every time he brushed my hair it was to cover a new gash he made in my head. Every morning he dressed me it was to cover the truth.

The bruises that lined my skin from his violent hand was now covered from the public. Did I dare ever remove those clothes and scream the truth? Of course not. Oh god... but did I wish I did.

"Get up " my father sneered yanking me from my bed. I didn't dare defy him. Five more years and I would be free. Just five more and I can take mama with me. We'll be free just five more years.

He quickly threw clothes in my face. " get dressed you have two minutes don't make me come back in here." Slamming the door behind him I barely flinched as I slide on the tights and purple sweater.

For thirteen I was small for my age maybe from the lack of food and proper hospital treatments. Maybe from the one to many blows to the head or kicks to the rib. Who knows what caused my growth to be stumped it could be a number of things. Sighing softly I gently open my door not wanting to anger him.

" Perfect move " he shoves my shoulder urging me downstairs. I quickly make my way down in complete silence to be met by a tall man. His dark eyes stare down at me and I violently flinch at the darkness I see in them. I feel like throwing up just from his stare alone and I can tell I'm not going to like this.

Trying to back away from the man my father shoves me forward causing me to land on my knees hard. I bite down on my lip to suppress the painful Yelp that wants to come from my mouth. "Noise edges him on stay quiet " my mothers soft voice says in my head.

"25 thousand dollars cash Roman none of that check bullshit you may be my best friend but I don't trust you with my money as far as I can throw you." My father says to the man.

I have no idea what they are talking about but I have a feeling in my gut that it's not pretty. I quickly tune out there banter staying on my knees as I try to sink my mind into a happy place. Thinking back to that one summer with my mama where dad was once in a good mood. Mama took me to the beach and we played in the sand all day and had ice cream.

That one day I was a normal child. Screaming pulled me from my sense of false security. My moms yelling could be heard as the man Roman I think quickly grabbed me by my arm snatching me to my feet.

" You can't have her !!! I won't let you" my mother screamed at Roman as my father back handed her sending her flying onto the ground.

"MAMA" I scream struggling in the mans arms.
I watched my father kick her repeatedly in the ribs until I heard a painful crack. For the first time in for years tears sprung in my eyes as I screamed for my mothers life.

Quickly biting Roman wrist he let go as I ran for my mother. I was so close I could almost touch her until I was grabbed and thrown over a shoulder. My head hung downwards as I frantically looked up at my father pulling out a gun.

He gave me a sick smile before he clicked it and aimed it straight at her head.

"MAMA!!!" I cried.

Bang. Blood and brains splattered all over the floor and my mothers limp body laying there bleeding out as I was thrown into the back of a van and locked in.

Shaking my head clear of the flash back as the man in front of me splutters blood from his swollen lips.

"Ah John wonderful of you to join me again " I said cheerfully spinning my dagger on my fingers. I circled his naked body as it hung from my rusty chains.

Hmm gotta update those I thought to myself.

Walking back over to my tools I whistled an old lullaby from my mama while grabbing a hot rod.

"Last chance John where is Roman?" I asked impatiently holding the rod over my fire pit letting it heat up. His body shook violently as he watched me doing it. I took my time give his mind time to wonder all of the beautiful places I could put this rod.

" I don't know... I swear I haven't seen him in years not since" he stopped looking at me with regretful eyes.

" it's okay John you can say it. Not since you lot buried me in a unmarked grave" I said matter a factly walking over to him.

Stroking his cheek in a sense of comfort I looked him into his only eye. God it took forever to rip that bitch from the socket without him bleeding out. Maybe in another life I'm a surgeon.

" Admit your sins John and you can walk away freely I'll let go of the past but first you must admit what you did to me I wanna hear you say it" I said softly to him still stroking his cheek.

He shook as tears fell down his one eye and he whimpered.

"I was the one who hit you to hard and knocked you unconscious... I took advantage of you- " I quick jab to the stomach had him wheezing and coughing up more blood as my eyes turned dark.

" SAY THE TRUTH SAY THE FUCKING WORD" I screamed in his face my demons ready to come out and drag his pathetic soul to the darkest parts of hell where he belonged.

" I raped you " he sobbed " over and over again until you were unconscious I am a sick man you were a child I shouldn't have.. I beat you I taunted you with food and water and false security I'm sorry Rui I'm so fucking sorry" he sobs his eye begging for forgiveness.

John was the worst out of the group why ? He got inside my head he would clean me up after what his friends did to me bring me food talk to me and tell me about the world. He made me trust him. Then when he gained my trust he destroyed me and took every part of me until I was once again dead inside and for that his punishment will be epic.

Nodding slowly I give his cheek a slight slap and start to unshackle him. His limp body falls to the floor as he sobs his gratitude. I stroke his hair softly until his sobbing stops and reduces to sniffles.

"Hey John before I get my doctor down here give me a honest answer to this question "I say softly as I stroke his hair.

"Yes.. yes anything " he frantically answers.

" You ever had a hot rod in your ass ?" I ask

"Wha-" his words quickly turn into violent screams as I shove the rod up his ass. He squirms and cries in pain as I hold his back down with my heel letting the smell of burning flesh fill my nostrils.

A manic laugh leaves my throat as I watch him struggle to breath and get away from the rod.

Once his screams of pain become enough I grip his hair and slice open his neck slowly letting his blood spill on my dagger. While he Chokes and splutters I send a video of me next to him in my Jason mask letting the video catch every moment of the life draining from his eyes.

Quickly hitting send I shatter the phone and bang on the metal door four times. Bucky my fixer upper as I like to call opens it and steps in.

"Bucky my man I got a new client for you make him look pretty I need him at this location tonight at 10pm that's when I'm hinting off the cops" I smile brightly at him.

He does a double take a the blood and the scene before him.

"How long did he last?" Bucky rough voice fills my ears.

" Eight days of torture eye removal , balls severed , teeth pulled water boarding a broke tail bone and ten slashes from my rusty knife guess he really was the strong one" I shrug grabbing my keys.

"Happy fixing !" I sing song making my way upstairs.

"Remind me to never piss you off " he calls after me as I smirk walking into my kitchen.

Who me? I couldn't hurt a fly.

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