The Game Wheel

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  Annabeth's POV

As Jason, Percy, Piper, and I make our way down to the Poseidon Cabin, night falls over the camp.

Percy had woken up the night before, screaming and sweating from nightmares about Tartarus. The darkness must have reminded him and reawoken some of those fears because he clutches me closer to his chest and whispers into my hair,

"Nox. Remember her?"

He says it with a tremor in his voice so unlike him that it scares me. 

"Yeah I remember her," I say as I snuggle deeper into his chest. I focus on his heartbeat, a sound that reassured me even in Tartarus. "How could I not? But she's there, Percy. And we're here. She can't get us. We're safe, Percy. Safe."

"Safe," He repeats and loosens his hold on me slightly just as we reach the door of Cabin Three.

Jason heads on inside with Percy at his heels, but Piper grabs my arm and holds me back. She waited until the door was closed behind Percy and then asked,

"How are you doing, Annabeth? And don't you dare tell me you're fine. Please, be honest with me. Besides-" Piper leaned in, teasingly. "Don't you remember what happened last time I had to persuade you?"


"Annabeth! Piper! There you two are! Come on, we're starting our first game."

Frank, sweet, oblivious Frank, ducked back inside without noticing my exchange with Piper. I ducked my head and, blushing furiously, turned to follow Frank. 

Inside Cabin Three, someone (Leo) had constructed a massive Game Wheel (How did I know it was called this? It literally had Game Wheel over it in blinking letters). From the looks of the thing, someone spun it and it landed on (YIPES!) any of six presumably dirty games. And if I knew Leo, he'd found some way to make them all even worse. 

"Gather round, gather round!" Leo issued the summons from his post by the Game Wheel. "Now that we're all here it's time to begin...our Gaea Busters Reunion!"

"Gaea Busters?" Calypso asked scoldingly. 

"Well I can't really say 'The Seven' anymore, can I Sunshine?"

"Again with the nickname, Valdez."

Jason cleared his throat. "Uh, guys? Can we get back to...what was it...oh, beginning the reunion?"

"Oh, ya, sure. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm gonna pick somebody to spin the Game Wheel here, and whatever it lands on, we have to play. Make sense?" Leo looked around to make sure we all nodded. "Great! The games are Paranoia, The Chapstick Challenge, Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, 7 Minutes in Heaven, or my personal favorite; Say or Strip. I'll explain all of that when the time comes but for, let's see...Hazel's too about...Reyna! Come on up Praetor and spin!"

With all the grace and confidence of a praetor, Reyna marched up to the Game Wheel. 

Oh my gosh! 450 words! That was way longer than I meant it to be. Even just 5 reads on this would really encourage me. Thx, and please stick around for the next update. 

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