lake house

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Waking up at 7 am after being up all night on the phone is a very gross thing to do. Yet here I am. Mikylee felt it necessary to watch and help me pack, then scare me with random things ill need, then over analyze the sleeping arrangements, then talk about how excited she was until 5 in the morning. Meaning I am running on barely two hours of sleep. Luckily for me I didnt have to drive to the siblings house. It was an almost four hour drive so we couldn't just cram into the car.

Weston, kalynn, and aksel are supposed to be here at 7:30 to pick me up. Mikylee and hooverr were picking up three more friends I hadn't met before.

I tote my luggage down the stairs of my building into the street just in time for the familiar red jeep pull up. Before I can even walk over to the car Weston jumps out and grabs my bag and loads it into the car.


And then I hop in the back.

"good morning" Kalynn says excitedly.

"mornin" I grumble back.

"you guys wanna get coffee?" kalynn asks the car while pulling onto the road.

"yes please mikylee kept me up all night." I say sinking into my seat. Their confused faces remind me to explain, "she called me wanting to make sure I packed everything and we ended up talking till like 5 am"

Everyone settles down and I reach into my pocket pulling out a 5 dollar bill and lean to the front seat to give to kalynn but Weston stops me.

"Ill just send her money later don't worry about it."

I nod and put the money back. In no time we're pulling up to the Starbucks right off the interstate. Im so tired I drone the whole interaction out until a coffee is being passed back to me.

I take a sip and instantly feel better. Then we head off. Kalynn merges onto the interstate and Im a goner, the lull of the car puts me right to bed.

When I finally am able to pry my eyes open its sunnier. I look at my lap and see Westons blanket draped over me. He's leaning against the window with his AirPods in and kalynn and Askel are singing to a random song on the radio. I check my phone its only 8:45 so we still have a while before we get there. I pull the blanket up my chest and lean against the window dozing off again.

A gentle shaking of my body is what wakes me up again. "Hey we're here" I hear Westons voice and open my eyes and look around.

We're in the woods and its beautiful, a large wooden cabin sits infront of us along with 2 other cars next to us.

I unbuckle and get out of the car and stretch.

"Everyone is here already not sure how they beat us" I hear kalynn from the back of the jeep. I walk back there and she's unloading our bags. I reach in and grab mine and hers and put them on the ground.

"Want me to take these inside?" I ask her.

She nods and closes the trunk. "Ill take you to your room, we kinda went and looked around and let you sleep for a minute in the car."

I trail behind her with our bags and she holds the door open for me. She leads me to a first floor bedroom right behind the kitchen. Mikylee stuff is already in here so I toss my bag on the bed and follow kalynn down the hall and up the stairs and pass her bag to her.

Weston and her are sharing a room with two small twin beds, I am sharing a queen bed with mikylee, and aksel and hoover are sharing a room. The other people here have their "bunk mates" too but I'm not too sure of their names.

We go back downstairs.

A small group of people are sitting at the large wooden dining table.

"Jordan this is Jake, Nick, and Steph" Kalynn introduces me to the people at the table. I wave with a smile.

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