A hero is Born Pt. 1

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(Art not mine. Also not doing monkey king and DBK fight. Way too lazy)

"A world of elegant cultures. Gentle loving people. A city brimming with five star cuisine. And all because of the-"

A man with glasses and slick to the side hair(as well as old fashioned cloths) pushes his glasses up slightly with a smirk "the monkey king!" A boy with up brown spiked hair raises his first in the air in excitement, he throws his book up in the air with a smilie and laugh "That's so good!-" he does a pose with shades. "Monkey King's so cool!-" another with huge mussels. "He's so strong!-" and another with the wind bowing his hair and cloths back while he has some hay in his mouth "And handsome." The man at the counter chuckles with a smug look "Oh, MK. And you thought you knew all the Monkey King stories." A deep chuckle grabs both MK and the man at the counter attention "pfft- sorry, sorry it's just...I haven't seen someone who likes Monkey King so much in a long time. And do you think you seriously know everything about him? That's hilarious." The man at the counter huffs while MK walks up to the man sitting at the booth, he has a f/c jacket on with the hood up making it impossible to see his face only his mouth "uh, do you know any story's of Monkey King?" The man turns to Mk with a small hum while leaning on his fist "of corse I do. Tones. Some even no other person can tell you." MK's eyes sparkle before it's replaced by a huge frown "but I sadly can't share them. I have to get home before my dad notices, here-" he hands MK a large tip making the boy smilie "I like you...uh...MK? Right? Maybe I'll see you again? See ya around, MK." The man chuckles as he walks out sending the boy a small wave and smilie, MK stands frozen for a second before running out of the shop only to notice the man had completely disappeared. MK hums and walks back into the shop before his attention is grabbed once again "Come on MK, you know the deal. One story, one free bowl of janangmien. Hm?" MK grabs his book and fixes the pages in his Monkey King book, he closes the book with a small hum then smilie "Huh? Oh, right, free noodles! Yes, on it!" MK sits the book down and grabs a bowl of noodles while talking "How heavy do you think a mountain is, compared to, like...-" a spoon comes spinning out of seemingly nowhere at MK followed by a voice "Free noodles?" The spoon hits MK's hands sending the noodles flying until a pink hand/hoof(idk) grabs it in time with the noodles splashing slightly with a shadow covering the pigs face(literally a pig). He comedically grows in size while MK and Tang yell in fear "No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang." In the end a short pig man is on the counter in front of tang, but a smirk grows on tangs face while he pushes Pigsy away from him without the pigs body moving an inch "Ah, but, Pigsy, I was paying with wisdom." Tank does a little hand movement with a smilie while Pigsy's head grows again scaring the life out of Tang "Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader!" Pigsy then moves off to the side while Tang sits there with his mouth half open and his glasses falling off "And you-" he points at MK who whimpers "You've been slacking off all morning.-" Pigsy walks towards MK who walks back in return"I've got a dozen orders that need to go out.-" MK hits a wall and leans his body up against it as much as he can while Pigsy yells at him "So quit slacking and get packing!" MK's worried face is replaced with a smilie as he looks of to the side for a bit with a raised eyebrow, then points off to the side with an awkward smilie, then does a hand motion. "Yeah, I was about to take my break, so..." "Break? Break? There's no Break in war!" All of a sudden the scene changes to Pigsy standing with a arm behind his back while he holds a spoon up in the other "I need workers. Soldiers in my army of Pigsy's noodle's! Home of the world's longest noodles! How else am I going to expand my business into enemy territory?" Mk looks at Pigsy with a raised eyebrow while he looks out the store window "Uh, do you mean across the street?" Across the street is another noodle shop with a warthog running it, the two shop owners glare at eachother with nothing but hatred before Pigsy looks at MK who continues to look at the other shop owner but slightly shocked "I stand by my statement." Pigsy pushes a bag off noodles and lightly throws Mk out of the noodle shop(while gaining 100 points) with a frown "Now, hurry up!" He sighs before his ears go up hearing slurping, he turns around with an angry look at the male in glasses who eats his noodles with a smug look on his face. He opens one eye and jumps slightly when he notices Pigsy's hard glare on him, he gulps and chuckles slightly while Pigsy raises his wooden spoon "Hey! You get back here, you coward!" "No, Pigsy!" "I want my money!"

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