Chapter 4- Hide and seek

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"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed as I awoke.

I saw a grey hand in my face moving around.

I hoped up and started sprinting away.

" Catch him and bring him back alive" A voice shouted.

"It sounded familiar to the one that put the school in flames" I thought.

As I ran I notice the surroundings .

"Where the hell am I" I thought

I stopped to catch my breath no one was near.

"You can run but you can't hide" the voice said

"Zen Garrick" he stated as he casted the spell.

I know the Zen Garrick spell very good.

It shows all enemy's your position for a couple of minutes.

The only way I can escaped is if I found an exit.

I kept taking turns till I reached a dead end.

I could here the foot steps behind me. All of a sudden the ground opened and I fell.

I fell into water.

Someone was in front of me probably a enemy.

He looked at me in a suspicious way.

" Stay silent and your welcome." He stated "By the way I'm Edwin"

I knew I didn't know that much about him but I trusted him, For now.

We ran to a corner it seemed to be a way out.

I didn't know what to think of this guy , but he is definitely on my side.

"This is far enough, who are you and what are you doing here" Edwin asked?

I told him about about the brainwashing and school.

After we talked he started to befriend me.

Now I started keeping tack on the days

April 23rd 3015

I just awoke a day after I meet Edwin I didn't know what
to think of him. I'm kind of still tired . The next few days Edwin
is going to tell me about the big jerk who did all of this. But for
I am going to have to wait.

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