Chapter 5- Eww, Another Suguo

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(A/N ok ok! You guys got me I'll continue the story! I might be slow on updates though cause I have a few other stories going too.)

*Mabel's P.O.V.*

It was an hour before sundown. After Asuna explained what had happened in their world, we were both near tears. Me because I've gotta huge heart and can't stand my friends being hurt like Asuna was. Asuna because, well, her life has been crap. Anyway, we started walking back when we were suddenly caged.

"What the hell!?" Asuna screeched.

"Dangit! It's him again!" I growled, knowing all too well who had just caught us in here.

"Who!?" Asuna whirled around to face me.

"Aww pumpkin, just lil' ol' me!" An EXTREMELY annoying southern accent said cheerfully as Gideon walked into our view.

"And don't forget me, my fairy queen." A strange voice cooed near Asuna. A strange man stepped next to Gideon. He wore weird clorhes, like a fairy, and he had wings and a crown. Who was that!?

*Asuna's P.O.V.*

When the southern kid appeared all I could think was 'Ewww! Another Sugou!'. That's when the REAL Sugou materialized next to him. I gasped and fell back.

"S-SUGOU!? HOW ARE YOU HERE!? YOU'RE DEAD!" I stuttered. He grabbed my arm throuh the cage bars and brought my ear near his face. He sniffed my hzir for a long moment then whispered,

"Programs don't die." I gazed at him with terror. He threw me violently back down next to Mabel.

"Hmph, we'll be back soon, sugar pies, so don't leave!" Gideon laughed and walked away with my nightmare. I shuddered and began to cry. Mabel hugged me gently. This day just got a lot worse.

*Dipper's P.O.V.*

Where were Asuna and Mabel!? They should have been back by now! Kirito told me what happened to him and Asuna, and how he liked Mabel. I could tell he was worried for the both of them. I was too. If they weren't back by sundown, we'd go look for them.

^ON HOLD^ S.A.Oh? (An S.A.O. and G.F. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now