chapter 6 - Irony's a Bitch

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Lover's Lake

Several police officers were dredging the water, trying to find any evidence as to what happened, but of course they would find nothing.

The camera shot panned downward into the water of the lake below, down at the bottom of the lake to show a fish swimming along the lake floor, when suddenly a tendril launched out and wrapped around the fish, as it struggled to get free, before pulling it away to be killed.

∰ Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things) ∰

Lenora Hills, California


Agent Wallace was sitting in a chair, tortured and bleeding from intense interrogation by Sullivan and his men.

Sullivan walked closer. "I can make it stop. I can make the pain end. Where are the psionics?"

"I told you," Wallace told him weakly. "I don't... I don't know."

"There are two proposed explanations for what is happening," Sullivan told him. "Explanation one, an invisible boogeyman from another dimension is slaughtering these kids. Explanation two, these superpowered little pets have gone rogue again, and now Sabina and her lackeys are seeking to cover it up. Now, which explanation sounds plausible to you?"

Wallace sobbed. "I don't know."

"There's still a chance to redeem yourself, Mr. Wallace," Sullivan told him. "Where are they?"

Wallace refused to answer, looking away.

Sullivan looked to the two soldiers on either side of Wallace, nodding.

The two soldiers grabbed Wallace and pulled him toward a locker.

Sullivan turned to walk away, uncaring.

Wallace was struggling. "No! No, no!" The two soldiers pushed him into the locker. Wallace yelled. "No!"

The two soldiers slammed the door over him.

A phone on the wall was ringing.

Sullivan walked toward the phone in confusion, picking it up. "Hello?"

Mikhail was on the other line, using a phone on his plane, having changed and cleaned up since the prison fight earlier that night in 4.05. "Colonel Sullivan."

"Yes," Sullivan answered. "Who is this?"

"Take a wild guess," Mikhail told him. "I have a hand in creating a lot of the little... 'pets', as you call them."

Sullivan realized. "Mikhail Ivanov." Mikhail smirked. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hang up right now."

"I'll give you three," Mikhail told him. "I know you're looking for the same psionics that I'm looking for. And I can tell you where three of them are right now, if you agree to work with me and bring them to where I need them to be. I would do it myself, but I'm currently busy on my way to go after the others."

"And why the hell would I work with you?" Sullivan asked.

"Because I can give you exactly what you want," Mikhail answered. "These psionics under control, and in possession. Unable to do any more damage than they've done. Not to mention how much money there will in it for you. But I need you to capture these three and bring them to me. Not kill them."

Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things) Book Fourحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن