Chapter. 1

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AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!

Okay, I already lost half of my braincells because of this paragraph.
"Goffik".... Really?

Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

Oops I have no idea who tf she is so I should leave but I am in a mission to criticize this fic.
Also, that name is wayyyyy to long

I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie.

.....Why would you want to be related to your crush?

I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen).

How tf did you pass the 6 years?

I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow.

You are a disgrace to goths.

I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

don't be rude to preps, bitch, they did nothing to you. Also, how do you know that they are preps huh?
Did you seriously just walk outside when it's somehow raining and snowing at the same time....???

"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Draco Malfoy!

Pls I don't hate him enough for this

"What's up Draco?" I asked.

"Nothing." he said shyly.

Why the hell did you even say anything then?

But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.

AN: IS it good? No. PLZ tell me fangz!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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