chapter 14- the hub

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They continued through the tunnels, the walls and floor covered in thick vine-looking tendrils that squirmed around. Phoebe could barely breath. A junction came up and Steve paused for a moment to study the map. He set off in the right direction and everyone followed closely. Dustin paused and looked at something on the ceiling, and Phoebe passed by him.

"Let's go," she said with a pat on his shoulder as she passed him. She was maybe only ten feet ahead of him when he let out a scream. Everyone quickly rushed to his side as he spit on the ground repeatedly.

"Oh! Some got in my mouth. It's in my mouth, SHIT! SHIT!" he yelled and then ended with a cough. "I'm okay," he sighed.

"Are you serious?" Steve asked annoyed while everyone else shared the same reaction.

"Dustin, what the hell?" Lucas asked as Dustin stood and Phoebe pushed the boys in front of her once again. They continued walking for another ten minutes before they reached a large, open area that had seven different outlets to the tunnels.

"All right, Wheeler, I think we found your hub," Steve said as the rest of the group filed in.

"Let's drench it," Mike instructed and everyone set down their packs and took out the various containers full of gasoline they had carried. Phoebe made sure to set her bag in the entrance to the tunnel they had came from, just in case they got turned around. Everyone had cans and tanks of gas that they sloshed up the walls and on the floor while Lucas and Phoebe had filled some old weed sprayers and were concentrating their supply on the ceiling. They finished their work and gathered in the entrance to the tunnel that led them back out. Steve flicked his lighter and then looked to the group, making eye contact with Phoebe. She nodded and he sighed, "Here goes nothing." 

As the lighter landed in a puddle of gasoline the entire hub instantly caught fire. A blinding orange filled the air as the tendrils screeched.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve ushered the rest of them out of the hub. As they ran Phoebe could hear the Demo-dogs screeching in the distance, though she knew the distance between them was decreasing every second. She could see the smaller junction ahead, but skidded to a halt as she saw something crouched over in the center. The kids joined her in stopping when they saw the creature's face open as it growled again.

"Dart," Dustin said.

"What?!" Phoebe and Steve whisper-yelled at the same time.

"I know it's him. He has the same yellow pattern on his butt," Dustin pointed. He slowly walked towards the monster. Phoebe tried to stop him, but he pushed her arm out of his way.

"Dart, it's me. It's Dustin. Are you gonna let us past?" he asked the creature. It roared in response, it's face opening again. As it did Phoebe held her breath and grabbed Steve's hand.

"Okay, okay," Dustin said calmly as he shushed Dart. "I got something for you," he slowly removed his backpack and pulled out a candy bar. "Our favorite: nougat," he said as he began breaking the bar into pieces and dropping them on the ground in front of him. Dart slowly lowered his head and then began eating the candy. Dustin waved a hand over his head and everyone tiptoed around Dart. Dustin slowly got up and circled around him. When Dart finished eating he looked to Dustin and ran in the opposite direction. 

"Okay, let's move!" Steve yelled as he grabbed onto Dustin's shoulders and steered him to the opening. They were all running and could see light peeking through the hole they had climbed through. Phoebe was the first one there and thrust her hands in front of her, allowing them to act as a stepstool. Max grabbed the rope and pushed off Phoebe's hands and hoisted herself out of the hole. Lucas followed suit with Mike going next, Max pulling them out from the other side. 

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