His weakness

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Minho was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling.

He needed to get out or there somehow. There was no way he would get married to Jungwoo.

Suddenly he heard the door unlocking. He took the first thing he found, which was a broom and waited for the guards to come in.

Then he hit one of them in the head in his try of stealing the keys and running away.

One of the guards fell on the ground while the other tried to stop Minho.

-Minho, it's us!

The latter looked at the guard and furrowed his eyes.


-Yeah! You just smacked Chan!

-Smooth move, by the way, Chan scoffed while rubbing his nape.

-Sorry! I thought you were real guards. Were are the others?

-No idea, Chan replied.

-Have you at least found Seonghwa?

-No, Felix added.

-Then why the hell are you here?

-Hey! We saw you being locked here and came for the rescue. Now put that big brain at work and find a solution! Chan yelled.


-Seungmin! Seungmin! Seungmin, wake up! Changbin yelled his lungs out.

He was hanging on the wall, handcuffed next to a passed out Seungmin in the dungeon.

Through the bars the orange colour of the sunset was sneaking in the room.

Seungmin slowly opened his eyes, but his whole body felt so weak.

-Seungmin, listen to me! Hey! Look at me, please! We need to get out of here and regroup. I know the high temperature is killing you right now, but I need your brain for this.

Seungmin looked around confused. His head was hurting so bad and Changbin faded voice was slowly getting louder.

-Where are we? Seungmin managed to ask.

-The dungeon. Seungmin, please! I need your brain. Do you have any idea how to get out of here?

Seungmin looked up at the chains and come up with a plan.

-We need to hurry.

-What? Why?

-The sunset. When the night comes, it will get really cold here. You will freeze to death.

-Just tell me what to do, Changbin added.

Seungmin nodded and explained to him the plan.

Seungmin made a few circles around Changbin in order to tangle the chains, then glued his back to the wall.

Changbin came in front of him and started dragging his body back, his right leg pushing into the wall.

He needed to use all the strength left to make the wall crack.

After a few tries, his body started feeling sore as his wrist became purple.

He looked on the little window and saw the darkness of the night.

-It's getting cold, he whispered.

-Hey! Look at me! Seungmin yelled at him.

Changbin raised his gaze and met with Seungmin's.

-You are the only one who can do this. Please, Changbin! Try it one more time!

Changbin nodded and pulled those chains until the wall cracked.

They both fell on the ground, Seungmin on top of Changbin.

Their hands were still locked up by the chains, but now at least they could move.

Changbin was holding his hands up and became his and Seungmin's were tangles, Seungmin had no balance and fell on his chest again, looking in his eyes.

-Can you get up?

-Yeah...Seungmin gulped.

-Now how we are going to get rid of the handcuffs? Changbin asked.

-Now depends. How loud can you scream? Seungmin smirked.

-Help! Let me go! Hey!

A guard heard Changbin's screams and came in to make him shut when he noticed Seungmin was not there.

-Where is the other? he shouted at Changbin.

-Right here, Seungmin said before hitting the guard in the heart with his elbows.

After the guard passed our, he took the key and freed himself and Changbin.


-We gotta get out of here now! Jeongin shouted at Hyunjin.

Poor boy had no idea what to-do. A snake was crawling up his leg and he was too afraid to move a bit.

-Why aren't you freaked out? We are about to die!

-I am, Hyunjin replied. I am, alright? But we have to keep our calm. I'm not gonna waste this human life.

-Then any idea?

Hyunjin looked around. The door was locked. But on the roof there was a little door. If they could reach it...

-Can you climb on my shoulders?

-What? Jeongin asked taken aback.

-I need you to climb on my shoulders and open the door. Then you can drag me up. You have been a mermaid, so legs are not your forte. But I trust your arm strength, Hyunjin added, knowing Jeongin was gonna ask why.

-How do you know I won't just leave you here?

-I don't. I deserve it. I have caused you misery and I am so sorry! I can't replace the years, so you can take mine.

Jeongin sighed and signaled Hyunjin to kneel down.

He climbed on his shoulders and tried to maintain his balance.

Then he opened the little door and got in a tunnel, leaving Hyunjin behind.

He waited and waited, but he knew Jeongin was not gonna come back for him.

Suddenly he heard a click and the door they entered on opened.

-Are you coming or what? Jeongin asked holding it open.

Hyunjin flashed a smile and walked carefully to him.

-You didn't leave me...

Jeongin refused to make eye contact, so he just hummed in response.

-Let's find the others!


-Master Minho does love you. This can be useful. If you wanna blame someone, blame him for choosing you as his weakness. You are gonna love the underworld. Especially someone poor like you. Say hi to dad! Seonghwa smirked.

He placed his hand on Jisung's shoulder and took a dager in his right hand.

He stabbed Jisung from behind after the latter tried to escape, and watched the blood spreading on the golden floor.

-You could have used that regeneration power now, huh? he laughed.

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