The beginning of the end

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-This is where you live? Chan opened his mouth in amaze looking at the Egyptian panorama he had before his eyes.

-Yes. Now be careful, Minho warned them. My mother doesn't like visitors at all. And since you are all human now, she won't hesitate to make you her slaves.

-Charming family, Seungmin scoffed.

-I just need to find her, to ask her to lift the curse and to find Seonghwa before these two days pass. Easy, right?

-If we split up, we can find him faster, Changbin suggested.

-Alright, Minho nodded. Just keep your guard up.

They all went separate ways, leaving Minho behind.

The latter was gathering this courage to talk to his mother, when he noticed Jisung staying awkwardly behind him.

-Sungie, what's wrong?

-I can't step up in the palace.

-Why not?

-I made a promise, remember? I am forbidden to return here. Queen Nefertiti made it very clear.

-But you're not a monster anymore.

-Doesn't matter. Her doctors saved my mom's life. I owe her.

-So you're just gonna wait here? Minho asked worried.

-Yeah, he smiled to reassure the older.

-Ok. Be careful. If someone says something to you, please tell them you're with me. Understood?


-I'll be back in five minutes.

After Minho was out of Jisung's sight, a hand covered the latter's mouth to stop him from screaming.

His eyes widen in fear while other hand made sure he wouldn't repost.

-It's me. You're Medusa's son, right?

Jisung looked to the right and saw a handsome man in golden clothes and pink hair.

-I'm Seonghwa, he added smiling. Did you bring master Minho back?

Jisung nodded, still shaken up by the encounter.

-I'm sorry, but I couldn't approach you other way. It is essential for the queen not to know about your presence here. Follow me! I know a way inside without catching the guards' attention.

-But Minho...

-The Queen won't let him leave again. We can find him in the palace. Trust me, alright?

Seonghwa reached his hand and Jisung took it, walking behind him very careful.

-My queen! Minho stepped in the throne room and kneeled down.

-Ah, Minho! Perfect timing! I see you thought of coming home eventually.

-My queen, I'm begging you to lift my curse and choose someone else as Seonghwa's guardian.

The queen started laughing, covering her mouth with her hand.

-You are so funny, my son. Now why would I do that?

-Because you are my mother.

Nefertiti got off her throne and walked towards Minho. She backhugged him and started caressing his cheek.

-My dear Minho, I love you as much as a mother can love her child. And this is exactly why I want the best for you. You will understand it someday.

-Mother...Please! I found a boy. I-I love him...Minho was on the verge of tears.

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