Chapter Two

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The next day at school Y/N sees the boy she met yesterday again. Mike. He's standing in front of a classroom, looking like he's waiting for someone.

"Hey." She greets him with a big friendly smile.

"Oh hi." He says, with an equally big smile on his face.

"I like your shirt, by the way. Is it a band?"

"Oh no, it's a D&D club actually."

"Oh, I didn't know this school had a Dungeons and Dragons club. Cool."

"You know D&D?" his friend pops up, excitement in his voice.

"Uhm yes. I've never played, but I know it." Y/N answers a little taken aback by his sudden appearance.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Dustin." he says, big smile plastered on his face, giggling.

Y/N giggles as well. "Hi. I'm Y/N."

"You wanna sit with us?" Dustin asks.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to." She answers with a smile.

Sitting down at their table she gets a weird look from Eddie. At least she thinks that's his name. She heard people calling him that before...'Eddie 'The Freak' Munson', actually, but Eddie seems about right.

They talk a while and are getting along great. Mike and Dustin are a bit younger than her, but the others are about her age. Even Eddie seems to not mind her sitting at his table.

She also found out the others are in a band, actually. 'Corroded Coffin' it's called. So she wasn't completely wrong about that. Just that the t-shirts had nothing to do with it. Or Mike. But still, Members of the 'Hellfire Club' are indeed in a metal band.

Y/N is happy she made friends. Or at least, people she could sit with at lunch. She wasn't sure if she could call them friends just yet, but she sees a smile form on her face nonetheless.

A few hours later she hurries home. She wants to meet Robin again as soon as possible, so she quickly grabs the movie from her room and makes her way to Family Video.

Standing a few meters away from the store Y/N stops. Her feet tapping the ground, getting mentally ready to go inside.

She walks into the store only to find Robin nowhere in sight. She only sees Steve behind the counter, talking to some blonde girl. Every other girl would have been happy to see Steve. Steve is the whole reason for half of the girls from Hawking High to even set foot into the store. She heard girls talking about it at school. And she wishes she could be one of those girls.

"Robin's in the back." He says, glancing at Y/N.

"Huh? Oh, okay." She says with a surprised look on her face. You could practically see the question marks above her head.

But when Y/N sees Robin's head popping out of the curtains that separate the two rooms, her face lights up.

Y/N waves at her with a smile on her face. "Hi."

"Hey." Robin says smiling. "Did you watch the movie?" She asks as she hurries to the front.

"Yes. It was good. Really good. Here." She says, holding out the movie.

"Told you." Robin says, taking the movie from her hands and winking.

Y/N can't think. Can't function properly. Robin, whatever her last name is, just winked at her. Her heart is beating so loud, it drowns out the buzzing of the lights.

"Soo, you wanna watch something else? Or just returning this one?" Robin asks, leaning over the counter.

"Uh jup. Watching something else. Wanting to, I mean."

"Any idea what? Oh 'The Apartment' was returned this morning, actually. You want to watch that one next?"

Steve glances at her, smirking, like she just said something funny. Robin pinches his side, her eyes still on Y/N.

"Yes, I'd love to."

"Great. Let me grab it real quick."

And with that Robin walks away, leaving Steve alone at the counter. The blonde girl already left.

"So... What's your name?" he starts.

"Y/N. You?" she asks, as if he wasn't wearing a big red name tag on his chest.

"Steve. Harrington." he gives a quick smile, writing something on a piece of paper. "I've never seen you before, are you going to Hawkings High?"

"I just moved here about three weeks ago, so wouldn't really expect you to know me. And yes, I'm going to Hawkings High."

"Oh, cool. Robin's in band."

"Yes?" Y/N asks in a high pitched voice, utterly confused.

"At Hawkings High, I mean."

"Playing the trumpet." Robin adds, giving Steve a weird look.

"Oh. OH. really? I haven't seen you at school before, I thought-" She coughs "That's cool."

"Yeah. I mean, I don't know how cool playing the trumpet is, but sure." She chuckles. "I don't have that many classes currently. So that's probably why you haven't seen me around much."

"Oh, okay. But damn, I'm packed with classes. Kinda jealous of you right now." Y/N says, chuckling.

Robin smiles at her, chuckling lightly, making Steve roll his eyes and turn around continuing with his work.

"Are you working here everyday?"

"Pretty much. I'm off on weekends, Tuesdays and every other Friday though."


And with that Y/N walks home. A smile on her face, jumping over every other stone she sees.

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