Chapter 2

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'Stones are heavy' Armin thought, he hadn't gathered many yet. Maybe he could get an animal to help him. Well it had been a week since the weird low squeaking noise and he hadn't heard it again so he couldn't have... tamed... that. The idea was stupid he gave up. He kept moving rocks for two sunsets and three sunrises, then he had enough. The next step was to make bricks. Which he didn't really know how to do. He made a guess, and it went fine. He went into the village and got a massive chisel from a builder, which cost him a bit more than he thought was fair but he didn't care much. He chiselled each rock into a brick. 2 meters long by 50cm wide and 20cm tall. By the end of the day he was done and left with 90 bricks. He got to work building a house which was much less simple than he thought. Door frames meant he needed something sticky to hold them up; and to generally make a secure wall. 'What was sticky?' Armin thought, spider silk sticks he thought. How could he get enough. He put it off for then and started planning everything else. A bed, a floor, some shelves for storing food and things, some mounts to hold candles for light, etc.

A few days after he was awakened before sunrise by the same low-pitched squeaking noise from  a few weeks ago. He checked outside: nothing visible but he could clearly tell something was flying around. SWOOSH! It flew straight past his face but he couldn't tell what it was. SWOOSH! And again. SWOOSH! It kept flying past him. Armin stuck his hand out and the thing flew straight into his hand. 'Poor thing' he thought as he pointed his head at the thing on the ground. He crouched down to inspect it properly. It had scales that looked like feathers, and its wings were each bigger than the entire rest of his body. It had a beak like a parrot's but much larger, the whole thing was about as big as a large cow. He had never heard of one before. Each scale was a different colour. He picked it up, it wasn't very heavy, not compared to rock. He carried it back inside to the stables. When Armin re-awoke the thing was still unconscious and in the corner of the stables. He went to the animal expert of the village, Naerthro, who happened to be an Elf. Naerthro studied it up and down, walking around it, prodding it, staring at it as if she had no idea that it was an animal, and generally looking extremely unprofessional. After 15 minutes she started talking:

"Well I could tell as soon as you walked in that it was a Terrorwing. They have very sharp wings that they use to attack. If I were you I would try and tame it so that you have a ride," she said.

"Well how do I do that?" Armin questioned

"Well... pretty much everything you've already done. When it comes round just ride around and it'll work out," she answered, "You might want a trolley to carry it around."

"Why would I do that?"

"It's heavy"

"Yeah but once he's conscious I won't need it will I?"

"I... suppose..."

Armin walked out of the shop awkwardly, still holding the beast and left it in the stables.

After a few hours it woke up and the owner of the stables came to tell Armin. Armin ran to the stables. The terrorwing frantically flew around,  manically flapping its wings, it was clearly distressed from being in such a small stables. Armin threw a rope towards it and it went straight round its neck, giving Armin control of it. He led it outside and tied the rope to a tree. After climbing the tree,  he jumped on its back and untied the rope from the tree. Riding the terrorwing, he arranged the rope into reins. With his new mount he flew around for a while to try and get used to it. He decided his next objective should be a saddle. He came down to land at about midday and realised he was a few miles from the village. He looked around for where the village actually was, that was when he noticed it. It was made of black bricks, it was like a dungeon. Oddly enough it was pitch black despite the beating sun and everything around it being perfectly bright. He decided he should go in, he needed practice if he were to defeat any dragon; let alone Muka-Unta. 

The Dragonslayer (title is a w.i.p.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu