The Punishment

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"Oof, if I would have known that this is going to be a full hike, I would have brought something to drink." MC stopped to catch her breath. Lilly and her had just walked up the hilly lane leading from Lillys place towards the market square. They intended to do some shopping. And since it was such a nice day, they had decided to walk. "There is a small gas station over there with a store. We can get some water." Lilly responded, looking a bit heated herself.

Inside the store, MC browsed the shelves while Lilly purchased the drinks for them. This place was not what MC would have expected from a gas station convenience store. Next to the usual items, like drinks, snacks, magazines and car merch, there was also an assortment of toys and other knick-knacks like party supplies.

"You coming?" Lilly called over. MC nodded and they left the store together. Outside, Lilly stopped and pointed towards the opposite side of the gas station. "Look who we have there! He must have arrived while we were inside." It took MC a second to recognize the car, but then she realized that it was Dan, who was standing at the vacuum cleaners, with his back to them.

"Oh! I have a great idea. Here, hold my bag. I'll be right back." MC turned on her heel and walked back towards the store. Over her shoulder, she added: "And make sure he does not see us."

It took only a few minuted for MC to return. Lilly saw, that she was now holding a sort of pipe. Before Lilly could inquire, what MC was planning, she had already hurried past her, removing part of the item. A devilish grin lay on MCs face, clearly indicating that is was nothing good she was up to.

Lilly repositioned herself to get a clear view on what was about to happen. In the meantime, Dan had started to clean out his car with one of the vacuums. He was really getting in there. His back was still turned to them, he half kneeled in one of the doors and had bent down far to reach under the seat. When MC was only two steps away from him, she held the pipe in front of herself, turned her head slightly away and triggered something causing a load of confetti to erupt. The majority of the paper fragments flew into Dans car which now looked like a clown threw up on its back seat and floor. MC had gotten a confetti canon that she had spotted earlier amongst the party supplies.

Dan froze. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" he thundered. He turned around to find out who was messing with him. MC, directly behind him, burst out laughing the moment she saw his enraged expression. Lilly stared in shock, but her laughter also started to bubble up. "You..." he growled and slowly got up. Sensing the danger, MC stopped laughing. "Uh-oh." And with that she took off, running past Lilly. "Come back here, you little devil!" Dan called behind her, already chasing behind MC.

It did not take long for him to catch up with her. Once close enough, he managed to grab her arm and the sudden shift in her momentum made her swirl around and collide with him. "Oh come on," she pants. "Don't be mad. It was just an innocent joke." She can't help but keep laughing. "Forget it, you rascal. You'll have to be punished." Then he just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. The surprise over this sudden development caused MC to shriek. "What are you doing? Let me down. Dan!" Completely ignoring her, he stomped back to his car.

As he stopped next to his car, MC started to wriggle and kick out. "Let me down this instant! I'm not a sack of potatoes, you brute." "Ok, I will let you go. But only under one condition." "Ugh, what is it?" "Go on a date with me." MC suddenly stopped fighting. "What?" "I want to take you out. Otherwise, I'll have you clean my car all by yourself." "Okay fine."

And with that, het set her down and gave her a bright smile. "I'll pick you up at seven."


"A Diner?" MC asked surprised. Dan had picked her up and they drove for about half an hour until he pulled up in the parking lot of Barney's, a remote but obviously busy restaurant. "Best Burgers in the entire area. But we'll just pick up soemething to go and move on. I have something better in mind for us tonight." Puzzled, MC got out of the car.

They ordered at the bar and had a drink, while waiting for their food to arrive. "Is that your picture on the wall over there?" MC pointed at a photo above the register. Dan laughed. "Yep. That's the wall of fame. You get up there when you conquer the big hitter: Finish the largest burger on the menu in under an hour, fries included. I had ice cream afterwards." "Well, congratulations." MC raised her glass in mock cheers.

A few moments later they left the place with several bags containing burgers, fries and drinks. It smelled delicious. After they settled back into Dans car MC could not help it but ask again: "So are you really not telling me where we are going?" "Nope. Surprise."

From there it was only a short drive until Dan took a turn onto a forest road. Soon, the street lights ceased to exists and the road became very dark. MC felt the urge to press him again as to their destination, but did not speak up. He seemed adamant about it being a surprise. They drove for about another kilometer of pitch black forest, only iluminated by Dans headlights, when suddenly the trees started to withdraw from the street and a clearing came into view. There were a number of other cars parked on a grass field, which was illuminated by many fairy lights. At the far end, MC could see a large screen. Then it finally dawned on her: This was a drive-in cinema. "Wow, I had no idea these places still exist." "This is one of the very few. I'll quickly go and fetch us some speakers. Want some popcorn?" MC nodded and he got out of the car. She used the time to fetch the burgers from the back seat and placed them on the console between their seats.

"We are in luck. They are screening 'It Follows' today. Have you seen it before?" Dan dropped back into his seat and placed a small speaker infront of them. "No. But I heard that it is a really good horror movie."

MC leaned back in her seat. The large screen infron of them had not yet flickered to life. "I'm really glad you braough me here. I always wanted to go to a drive-in cinema. You normally only see these things in old movies." She grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Do you guys come here often?" Dan frowned. "To tell you the truth, I have kept this place a secret from the others. I prefer to enjoy my movies in peace." "Well, then this is a big honor, you bringing me here." "You have a special permission."

In the course of the next few hours they enjoyed the movie and snacks. At first, it was a bit awkward, since a story about a sexually transmitted curse is not the best choice for a first date. But soon, both of them were captivated by the plot and distracted by the jumpscares.

During the drive back MC stated: "At one point, I was convinced that you would have to scrape me off the roof of your car with a spatula. Also, I'm sorry about the scattered popcorn. Looks like I will have to clean your ride after all" Dan chuckled. "I'm just glad you didn't have a drink in your hand at that moment." "Next time, I'll choose the movie. I will make sure to get back at you." "Next time, huh?" Dan looked over at MC, and even though it was dark in the car she could see that he had a wide grin on his face. "Eyes on the street, Anderson!" MC leaned back in her seat and turned her head, pretending to look at the landscape rushing past the window. But in fact she was trying to hide the fact that she was blushing a little.

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