Midnight Cravings

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It was shortly after midnight, when MC rounded a corner and finally realized where she was. She had snuck out of Jessys apartment to get some fresh air. After a while she had to confess to herself, that wandering the streets in the mddle of the night was not a smart idea. She was lost.

But now she could see the front of the Aurora and wondered if it was still open. As she approached the bar, she saw Phil coming out and locking up. "Hey there stranger", she called out. To her surprise, Phil got startled, dropping his keys. "What the hell MC! What are you doing running around at this hour scaring innocent citizens?" He picked up his keys and locked up. "I went for a walk and somehow ended up here." MC shrugged. "I see you're done for the day." "Yes," Phil replied. "I was about to head home. But now that you are here..." He put his index finger to his chin af if in deep thought. "I want to go for ice cream." "Where would we get ice cream at this time of night?", MC laughed. "I know just the place. Follow me!"

And with that Phil put his arm around her shoulder and lead her away from the Aurora, back into the direction of the market square. Shortly after they reached the main street leading between the market square and the church, he suddenly stopped. "We have reached our destination." "Okay," MC said, eyeing the front of a small cafe. "They do sell icream here. But this place is also very much closed for the night." Phil smirked and took a few more steps to a small side door. "I would say we take a page from your friends books tonight and consider this establishment as open for us. Invited guests only."

He turned his back to MC and briefly struggled with the doorknob. "What are you doing?", she whisper-hissed at him. "We can't just break in there!" But Phil did not reply. Instead she heard a soft click and the door swung open. Phil turned around and gestured with a wide smile. "After you. Come on, before someone sees us."

MC hurried inside and Phil followed, closing the door behind them. They were now standing in a small but industrial looking kitchen area. There was a door leading to the cafe and another metal door probably leading to a cooling unit. Phil was already heading for the meatal door, while MC was still taking in their surroundings.

"Were are you going?", she inquired. "Well, getting the ice cream of course. They store it in there over night. Can you check the front for bowls and some toppings?" MC hesitated. I hope they don't have an alarm system, she thought. But now, that she was already knee deep in trouble, she might as well go along with it. So she walked through the other door, finding herself behind a counter, that would normally hold baked goods and the cooling containers for the ice cream. Shelves were lining the wall behind the register, stacked with cups, small plates and bowls. There was also a fancy looking coffee machine, the kind that would automatically dispense different kinds of beverages at the press of a button. MC could not help it, but briefly played around with it, when it suddenly whirred to life. "Waaah!", she exclaimed. "What are you doing there. Are you trying to get us caught?" Phils voice was bearly audible. He must have still been standing in the cooler. And the noise of the coffee machine did not help.

Ignoring him, she quickly grabbed one of the cups to catch whatever she accidentally put into motion. Then she remembered her task and took two small bowls from the shelf. She had to rummage around a bit to find some spoons. Both in hand she returned to the back, where Phil had already put a number of ice boxes on a counter. "Tadaa!" He shot her a wide smile that could have melted all the ice cream in the shop.

"What's your favorite?", MC asked, handing him a bowl. "You.", he winked, while MC rolled her eyes dramatically. "But if you're talking ice cream, I'd say double chocolate." He helped himself to a generous serving. "And for you?" "Vanilla", MC replied. "Boring." "A classic." Phil was about to dig in, when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Hey! Where are the sprinkles? I can't live without sprinkles!" MC raised an eyebrow. "First off: I will from now on always call you 'Sprinkles'. And second: They are out front."

A few minutes later - after putting the containers back in the cooler and then starting a competition over who could come up with the most horrendous toppings combination - they were both leaning against the counter, finally enjoying their ice cream. "So, are you enjoying your first visit to Duskwood?", Phil asks around a mouthful of chocolate-sprinkle-pistacchio-marshmallow mix. MC sighs. "Yes, but it is also a bit exhausting. It seems like your sister is cramming all possible activities of the area into my three day visit." "Is that why you were wandering around alone at one a.m.? To get away from them?" MC laughs. "No. And yes."

"Oh no," Phil exclaimed, making a sad face. "Whats up?" "My mouth is very cold now." "Is that so?", MC asked, slowy putting down her bowl. And with a devilish smirk, she asked: "Would you like me to warm it up for you?" Phils face brightened immediately. But did MC also spot a little blushing on his cheeks? "Yes please!" "Ok. Close your eyes." A surprised look crossed over Phils face, but he obeyed and closed his eyes. Then he suddenly felt his bowl being replaced by a warm cup. His eyes flew open. "What is that?" "Hot Cocoa. This is what you meant, right? It will warm you right up."

MC could barely contain her laughter, while she watched a flustered Phil looking back and forth between her and the cup. "You are mean, you know that?" "Yep. And now come on, Sprinkles. Lets finish and get out of here. I have no desire to be arrested in Duskwood after all."

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