When it came to interviews, Myrah had everybody rolling on the floor, she was a diva, and she was sweet and funny. And even though she hated interviews, they are her least favorite things to do, she still did it with a smile on her face.

Serena just came across as snobby, and rude. And also very obnoxious. And their fan-base didn't like it.

Where he realized that Sparkle wasn't helping, he put Constance in the lead. Aaaaand.......That was horrible. A tragedy, really. She was entitled, and prissy. And her voice was too much. Too high and it overpowered everything. The sold nothing when she was lead. But to the people she knew, she was laid back, and chill.

So after that, he had finally gave the people what the wanted.

He put Myrah in the front. And that is exactly what drew all the fame to the group. Everybody wanted to come and see Myrah. She represented everyone.

She represented black people. She represented white people. She represented Indians, and Mexicans, and Jamaicans, and Pakistanians.

She represented the people with disabilities. She represented heavy set women and men. She represented the mistreated and the unwanted. She represented everyone she could.

Her motive was to make sure that everyone was not judge by the cover of their book or the color of their skin. But instead, judged by the content of their character.

Everyone is sad and mopey as of right now. We all are happy that Richard is in prison right now though. They didn't give him a trial either. But the thing is, he was only charged with indecent exposure, and sentences to 1 year, with his bail set to $100,000. With, we all thought was a load of crap considering they all knew what he did. Everyone's stories matched up when they questioned us. And, I don't know why, but Myrah didn't press charges on him either.

I just hope shes OK. My brothers and I still have to practice still, but he's letting us slack off just a bit because he already knows how the whole family feels about her. He misses her too, and no amount of mean mugging could hide the fact.

We were all scared when we didn't know where they were gonna go. One of their guardians was currently in a coma, and the other was behind bars. But luckily the court awarded my parents temporary guardianship over Myrah and her siblings.

We were all sad that Mrs.Tricia was in a coma. She was like a second mother to us and we would never expect this kind of thing to happen to such a sweet women.

We all miss her very much so, and knowing that Fluffy is going to be with us in such a short time, just lifts our spirits.

Jermaine: It's time to go.

I heard Jermaine's voice after two light taps on Marlon and I's door.

I stop what I'm doing, which is drawing in the sketchbook that Tink for me. Shit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I slip my shoes on and tie them tight, before grabbing my.jacket and rushing out of the room. Once I got down the stairs, Joseph was standing by the opened door that all my brothers, and Janet were going through.

Joseph decided that he wanted to stay at home with mother.

Jackie told Bill that he wanted to drive Myrah said that she didn't want a welcome home party, knowing how we are so we just wanted to get her a little gift instead.

Flo and Jacob were on their way to go get Fluffy while the others were getting ready to go over to our house.

All day I've been thinking bout her. My palms are constantly getting damp and clammy, and my stomach has had butterflies swarming around it for forever. I'm excited, but also scared. What if she changes. Trauma can change a person.

Unsung: A Fairy Tale ¤ 《Johnson》《Jackson》《DeBarge》जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें