Bubble Pop Electric

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So, to track your little adventure it seemed that you had some weird nightmare where you may have had a heart attack in your sleep- a pretty chill way to go- and then may have reincarnated into the world of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun and some reason your house is now in Japan? You're also being walked to school with the daikon, which took you time to realize meant radish. Honestly you were clueless to everything right now but you're doing your best to stay on your guard, who knows how far into the story things have gotten and how much time you had til the next update and if the manga would still update while you were in this world. You just knew some shit would happen too, but for now you focused on surviving this shit and possibly finding a way back home... That or probably find a way to travel to other shows and manga, you really did want to see what My Next Life As A Villainess was like and maybe conspire with Katarina- while slapping some sense into her about her harem.
Your brows furrowed for a moment, deciding to be straight to the point as soon as you and Nene got onto school grounds, "Hey, Yashiro," this time you used her last name as to not seem rude or weird, "Do you know Hanako?"

She stared at you for half a minute before tilting her head, "The rumor?" Well, if Nene was a liar she was a damn good one- which she's not. So you were good so far, if things progressed well then you wouldn't have to worry about the whole arcs that were about to come crashing your way. You shuddered in thought, shaking your head, "Nevermind then," you hummed out as she stared at you with her brow raised. Nene didn't think much of you other than the fact you seemed pretty collected and relaxed, while you weren't aware of how your first day here went she did. You seemed quiet and rarely involved yourself with others, you were... Stoic. Pretty too, you had gotten a good number of followers as a result, with your cute little act of a quiet, dreamy foreign exchange student it wasn't hard for some girls and boys to fawn over you.

Nene's heart fluttered just at the thought of being next to you! You were gaining popularity and technically that means she's next to someone soon to be as popular as Minamoto! Which you didn't know, honestly if you did you'd feel as if you were compared to Komi Shoko.

As you both walked in, eyes were on you and your companion, you grimaced inwardly as eyes were on you and Nene- why was everyone staring like a bunch of creeps? Couldn't they mind their business? Your arm rigidly linked with Yashiro's, pulling her close to you for comfort as you strained to look ahead as some girls tried to approach you both but you managed to walk fast enough to dodge them in time. You rushed into the main building, pushing open the doors as Yashiro walked in with you meekly, unnoticed by you her face had tinted with slight red as you were kept close to her- if her heart could've it would've leapt right out her poor chest. Only if you could notice how you were becoming your idol Katarina, you'd see the damn signs and call them out. Yet no, you clumsily walk around trying to find your way before a hand tugs at your sleeve, "Do.. Do you not have your schedule?" You look at Yashiro who you realize had a point. Your hand dove into your lunch bag, though only food and your shoe locker combination was inside and worse yet you don't even know where your locker is. It's likely your schedule is in your shoe locker but it didn't make sense to leave it in there- either find someone who can help you look for your locker or just go to the office and get a new one.
For the sake of saving yourself from a headache, maybe it was best to head to the office?

You pull your arm away from Yashiro who seems to become tense at your departing touch, "You have class with me! And students don't alternate from classroom to classroom so-" she reached out to you once more, almost panicked, "We could walk together?" She murmurs beneath her breath, but you still audibly hear her.

For a moment you consider it, you thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to go to any other classes and that you had someone to take you to your first class. Though you take notice, this time, that her grip is tight on your arm. Was she— no, no way Yashiro was gonna become all crazy on you, you weren't even popular or 'cool' like Teru Minamoto and that meant no way Yashiro Nene had a thing for you. You snorted, it was probably your imagination to have thought up something so weird, "Sure, let's go," you hum with a smile stretched at your lips, you just hoped you didn't offend her with that sudden snort. Yashiro was the Queen of over analyzing something and just a slip-up could make her think otherwise about you, you thought to yourself just as Nene began to drag you along to find your way to the classroom and your eyes cast out to the window; you noticed the abandoned building not too far from the main, if you're not mistaken it's the third building too... Third building, third floor, third stall of the girl's bathroom.
There one could summon Hanako and if you weren't mistaken, your eyes averted from the building to look back to Nene who seemed to gush at the sight of you, even now you looked so cool just looking out the window like that! Just the sight of you made her notice fall short of Aoi, the purple-haired girl who was now at her side without a sound made. She looked over Yashiro's shoulder to look right at you, eyes just looking at the two of you, "So, why are the two of you late?" At the sudden appearance of and the sudden question, Yashiro had jumped up into your arms as you held them out quickly to try and explain. Aoi giggled at the sight of you two, hand clasped over her mouth as her knuckles crinkled against the tip of her nose, "Didn't mean to frighten the two of you!" She hummed out cheerfully, pulling away her hand to look at you both.

"I recognize you! You're that American student, right?" Wait, now that she mentioned it... It seemed as though you could understand her too, "You speak English?" You wanted to clarify if she was speaking English or if you could just hear her speaking it and she was speaking something else- to which Aoi tilted her head with a quirked smile, "Well, I'm still studying it... So not too good at English?" She answered with uncertainty laced in her words, you nodded slowly while still hoisting Yashiro in your arms. She was re-enacting a scene from a fairy tale in her mind as you discussed something with Aoi. You began to realize, they were likely speaking Japanese and whatever they said you could understand in English and vice versa.
Holy shit, a loophole has been found! You wouldn't have to worry about learning some other language, like those isekai's who never bring up the topic of language barriers. You relax into the steps toward your first and only class, still holding Yashiro while talking to Aoi.

Congrats, Aoi Akane is now your friend!

Once Shattered, Now WholeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя