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What kind of bullshit had you gotten yourself into?
Honestly that was the first thought in your mind as you had read through the latest chapters of TBHK, noticing how it became more and more depressing and while you were certainly on board it felt as if everything was going downhill and with each cliffhanger you became on edge. You noticed that, while yes the creators of the manga were going as fast as they could while making their story amazing, it felt gut-wrenching every time there was some cut off from the big finish. It felt as if it was the tip of the iceberg while Nene and Hanako had finally gotten together! Damn you, if this wasn't a school night you would've shrieked into a pillow at the sheer audacity.
Though your mother might come in and beat your ass for waking her up, knowing how light that woman sleeps you don't want to test the waters regardless of it being a school night. You shudder under your covers, the light of your phone illuminating enough for you to see as you turned off the lights in your room to quietly read the panels on your phone from some piracy website. Yes, yes- it's important to credit the creators who busted their asses making this manga but you didn't have the money or means to get your hands on the actual manga. So for now you pirated a little to make ends meet, you'd make it up to them by buying the entire collection once you had a steady means of money.

Maybe you should finally work at McDonald's like your mother's been telling you to, since you're only good at washing the dishes.
You snort to yourself, shaking your head while turning off your phone and turning it facedown while pushing the covers down to breathe. God it would get hot under there, sometimes you need the breeze of the fan to cool you and your poor phone down. As your clammy hand pressed against your face you came to a final notion, you'd abandon TBHK in search for something else... At least for a little while until the manga had another chapter out, you couldn't stand this unbearable waiting while other fleeting opportunities to obsess and hyper fixate on other things were in the doorway! Like for example, new otome games like Infinite Blue! You heard it was suspiciously like Mystic Messenger but that's beside the point. You needed new obsessions so you wouldn't have to focus on your current ones with boredom sacked to you. And who says you're not a genius?

Oh, right- your mom.

Anyway, by the looks of the outside it was still midnight but knowing your terrible sense of time without a phone or clock, you decided it was best to sleep off these thoughts. Maybe it would come to you in a dream how to work things out and you could still keep your attachment to TBHK while focusing on other things, it's not like you're cheating on your one true love. You're just finding other true loves and making it work, no big deal!

Ah, but—
They don't think it's 'no big deal', you didn't know that though. How could you? You're falling asleep as we speak and someone out there's plotting something, just beneath the surface, just as you sleep there's some heavy weight that pushes down against your arms and chest then spreads throughout your whole body. In an instant, as you notice your struggle to breath your eyes try to open but you can't begin to make a move. Something was holding you down, something was pushing you into an abyss it seemed- your lungs burned now as it was as if you couldn't breathe either while your limbs began to fall into the mattress of your bed and slowly you succumbed to whatever nightmare was stirring.
Welp, sleep well.

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