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At The Villa,

Pragya and Vansh enter and see no one..

Pragya: where everyone went, did they left to Resort without us...,

Vansh: I guess soo, let me call them..,

He was about to call but suddenly Sahana and Aryan blast the paper blaster while family comes with a huge board covered with cloth...,

Everyone: Surprise...,

Vansh: woah guys what's happening here..,

Pragya: Exactly and what's the surprise..,

Krish: Mumma, Daddy cloth pull...,

He signs them to the board, Pragya picks him while she and Vansh pull the cloth and were surprised reading the Message on it..,

Pragya/Vansh:  "Superstar V.R Weds Industrialist Arora"

Vansh: Guy's what's this, what do u mean..,

Prachi: Dad, meaning is simple your and Mom's wedding..,

Pragya and Vansh were confused..,

Pragya: Prachi, we are already Married Beta..,

Ranbir: Aree but not with all rituals na..,

Disha: exactly, so we all decided that u and Vansh will marry with all the rituals along with me and Purab in the same Mandap..,

Vansh: What, BD it's not needed I mean it's your and Purab's marriage so..,

Purab: No if's and but's, what we decided in final...,

Pragya: Are u guys done, Disha, Purab, it's your wedding, I'm very happy for u both and I don't wanna spoil your happy moments..,

she was already Angry due to Abhi but was trying to be calm..,

Prachi: But mom, please agree na and Dad u speak something, what's all this, u both deserve a perfect life na..,

Vansh: Mishti, I understand but right now we will talk about it later..,

Pia: But, V.R, Pragya Aunty it's for u na, everyone's so happy, then why not..,

Pragya(shouts): ask this to your dear sister Maya, who's interested in bringing my past in my present, I'm just done with all let's take the bag and leave for Resort..,

She leaves from their while rest were surprised by her anger while Pia was hurt hearing Pragya's Shout, Prath understood why Pragya behaved like this...,

Sushma: Vansh, what happened in the meeting...,

Vansh: Sasumom woh..., (He tells them whatever happened) now I don't know If he's Abhi or really his lookalike Virat, but Pragya is very disturbed due to all this, I'll look after, u guys don't worry...,

He leaves from their while Sushma goes and holds Pratha's Hand tightly..,

Sushma: Who are u Pratha...,

Pratha was surprised hearing her and gets nervous..,

Pratha: what do u mean aunty..,

Sushma: oh really as if u don't understand..,

Kokila: Sushma what are u saying, Leave her she's a kid..,

Sushma: Kokila didn't u heard what Vansh said, Pratha is that Virat's niece, I mean Abhi's niece..., so obviously she's involved with Maya and Abhi..,

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