Chapter 6 "Moving"

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As it all burnt down, 2 people ran out from behind the burning house. It was Quackity and Karl. They never left. Y/n was pissed now.

Quackity ran up to her and pulled out his axe. "So it's you...Y/n" he said as he held his axe to her neck. "Took you long enough to find out." She replied as her right eye began to glow a bright red.

Karl backed away and Y/n was behind him in the blink of an eye. She had her axe to his neck now. "Let us leave or he gets to leave to up there." She said as she pointed up. Quackity threw his axe as far away as he could.

"Ranboo, Run. Go to over there." She said as she motioned with her head where. Ranboo looked scared but ran for it. Quackity ran at Y/n and they began to fight as Quackity pulled out his other more powerful axe and Karl got his sword out.

Quackity shot at Ranboo but hit the wolf instead. It was a fatal shot so the wolf unfortunately didn't make it. Ranboo ran faster with tears in his eyes.

Y/n was going to have to 2v1 but she had done this before, years ago when they trapped her for the first time. She, remembered their moves. She dodged all their attacks and ran for it.

As she ran, she pulled out her bow and briefly turned around to shoot. She got Karl right in his side and Quackity stopped to help him, giving Y/n time to run.

She ran at her full speed and took barely even a second to catch up to Ranboo. "Y/n you're back!" He said with tears in his eyes as he hugged her.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I'm sorry about the wolf too. Now, let's go. We have a long journey ahead of us little Ranboo." She said as Ranboo let go.

They held hands and continued to walk. They had no idea where they were going but then again, anything would be better than going back there.

Y/n had been running for her entire life, literally. Her parents were on the run when her mother was pregnant with her, the only differences between Y/n and her parents is that she was never caught and that she never found someone.

Her parents however, had to learn the hard way to never stop running. Both of them were hybrids so it didn't end well for them, they were different than everyone around them so they were hunted.

Y/n's kind used to be everywhere but some evil force wiped almost all of them out.

As Ranboo and Y/n walked, it started to get dark out. They had been walking for hours. Y/n saw that Ranboo was tired so she picked him up and put him on her shoulders.

Ranboo instantly fell asleep and Y/n continued to walk in search of a place to rest. She shot at mobs as she walked during the night, looking back every so often using a spyglass to make sure Quackity and Karl weren't on her trail.

She shot Karl so he might be either far behind or not there at all. Then, after days of walking, Y/n saw a light in the distance.

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