battle of helms deep

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I'm standing next to Aragorn and legolas on the wall while gimli can't even see soon the uruk-hai start marching in "what's happening" gimli asks trying to see "would you like me to describe it to you or would you like me to find you a box"  legolas says making me laugh Aragorn yells for the archers to hold but a old man loses his grip shooting a uruk they weren't too happy soon they're being shot by dozens of arrows "ladders" aragorn yells which makes gimli very happy "legolas I'm on two" gimli yells "I'm on seventeen" legolas says making me smirk "keep up boys I'm already on twenty-nine" I yell before killing another uruk "make that thirty" I say running off unknown to danger "ari" I hear a yell before I'm thrown off the wall I stand up soaked I roll my eyes killing fifteen more uruk-hai soon were told to fall back we tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass as I'm about to kill another uruk-hai I hear a faint yell "to the king" I look up and see Gandalf leading the riders of rohan I go find legolas and gimli "I killed 42" legolas says to gimli "not bad I killed 43" gimli says "well I beat you both I killed a total 45" I say smirking before going to get charged into a dress

I'm standing next to Aragorn and legolas on the wall while gimli can't even see soon the uruk-hai start marching in "what's happening" gimli asks trying to see "would you like me to describe it to you or would you like me to find you a box"  legol...

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After I get changed I walk down to the great hall and walk towards Aragorn who stared at me in awe as I walked towards him once I finally reach him he smiles at me wrapping his arm around me "you look beautiful" he whispers stroking my cheek I smi...

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After I get changed I walk down to the great hall and walk towards Aragorn who stared at me in awe as I walked towards him once I finally reach him he smiles at me wrapping his arm around me "you look beautiful" he whispers stroking my cheek I smile nuzzling against his hand once we sit down I lay my head on his shoulder after the party was over we fell asleep cuddling

Aragorn love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora