Luke Castellan : "Like a Moth to a Light"

Start from the beginning

And suddenly, his eyes flickered up to look at your lips, clouded with a hazy twinkle that didn't disappear when he met your vision. Maybe he should have been embarrassed at being caught, but he couldn't seem to care as he saw a rosy blush blossom through your cheeks, his chest aching with a feeling for you that he couldn't begin to explain. He didn't know what love was and he wasn't sure this was it, but his head was spinning and all he wanted to do was kiss you more than anything.

That was the first time he'd ever thought that.

Well, not really. Not technically. He'd always thought you were beautiful. In a flash he would picture himself with you, kissing beneath the stars. Maybe he'd even had a dream where he finally spoke to you. Either way, that was before he'd ever really gotten to know you. And the entire time he was doing that, he was too caught up in you to even think about that. But now, sitting in front of you in a place you felt so comfortable - in a place that you'd invited him into - it was all he could think about.

"Something must be on your mind . . ." You prompted after a moment of silence. Luke had always been a fairly quiet guy, and he liked to speak only when he had something he thought was important to say. For the past few days he'd been looking at you more than speaking with you, but you liked that he was thoughtful, so you let it slide. But now more than ever it felt like he was holding something in.

You watched as his eyes met with yours, and even though they were blue, they felt warm and comfortable to you. His scar begging for you to lift up a hand and trace it with the pad of your fingers.

"You know me too well, (Y/n)," Your name felt soft and loving on his lips, and you just so loved the way his voice sounded no matter what he was saying. During Camp Meetings your ears would perk up when he spoke, admiring its deepness, and his confidence.

His lips were parted and he was so close you almost didn't know what to do. You became hyper aware as his unoccupied hand moved to rest against your thigh. You couldn't help but flush, biting the inside of your cheek as you looked away from him, trying not to let on how flustered you were by him and his words.

Being away from camp seemed to make Luke bolder. Not only that, but he seemed more sure of himself. Camp made things difficult to gain perspective on a lot of things, and being away from the other half bloods, training, and demigod life actually felt nice. Even if he knew it wouldn't last. You simply weren't born for that and the both of you knew it.

Ever since he'd arrived at your house he'd had a lot of time to think, and things felt a lot clearer than ever before. He didn't know if it was the country air or if he was going crazy, but he actually felt better than he had in months. And he knew you were one of the reasons.

You made everything easy.

"You don't have to tell me," You shook your head slightly, and his heart almost broke at how much you seemed to care about him. He wasn't sure if he deserved it, but for the first time in a long time, he felt okay accepting something like that.

For some reason he didn't feel as if he had to hold back at all as he spoke, eyes not shifting from yours, "I care about you a lot, you know that, right?" He asked, and maybe it sounded abrupt and out of context, but he wanted to make sure you knew. He was trying to find a way to say it but nothing had felt right until then. Luke had cared for you from the moment you'd become anything close to friends. Since then, his feelings had only grown by tenfold, and you seemed to enjoy his company too. You always asked him how he was, and hung back to walk him to his cabin after the bon fire. You'd furrow your eyebrows and your voice would lilt in concern and he almost wasn't sure it was all worth it for him. But he couldn't control you.

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