Chapter 9 Happier than ever

Start from the beginning

Hey, Harry. What are your plans for today?

I thought about it. Plans? I don't have any. I said looking at him.

Oh. He said.

He looked thoughtful.

So, what are yours? I asked him.

I don't know. Since we are here we could do something together. He said while also looking at me.

Like what? I asked him. I have no idea what is going on in his head.

Hmm... Hey look it's snowing outside. I looked through the window.

Yeah i can see that. So what? Oh hell no. He is not gonna say that. I thought.

We can go outside and have some fun. He said excitedly.

It's freezing, Draco. Can't you feel that? I asked him matter-of-factily.

Oh damn it Harry. You can get your jumper and I'll get mine. Just come. It'll be fun. He said with pleading eyes.

Oh i can't say no to his puppy eyes. And he looks excited too. So i said after thinking sometime.

Fine. Whatever. I will come back after getting my jumper.

Yeah. It'll be soo fun. He said excitedly.

I grinned watching him. I've never seen Draco like this. It's different.


Harry look. Draco screamed. So i turned back and there he is with a huge ice ball in his hands and a mischievous grin on his face.

Draco no~ Before i can finish my sentence he threw that ball at me.


I'll get my revenge, you ferret. I said picking some snow. It's cold but i don't care.

Hey don't call me that. He said in the middle of creating a snow ball.

Too bad . I already did. I said throwing my ball at him. It hit directly at his face.
I laughed so hard.

My eyes are watering. I don't know if it is because of the snow or because i laughed too hard.

Draco looked at me playfully and ran towards me. He pulled me into the ground and showered me with snow.

We both were playing and laughing like little kids.

He throw one ball at me saying. This is for calling me ferret. And repeated the process.

I couldn't defend myself anymore. I'm too tired. So i sat on the snow and did the stop sign with my hands.

He stopped and sat beside me. Are you tired?. He asked sitting next to me.

I was breathing heavily. Because of the cold and all the laughing.

Yeah a little. It's been so long since i had this much fun. I said smiling thinking about earlier.

Me too. He said.

I looked at him.

In home, i can't go out because of my father. So i just stare at the snow through the window. I always hoped one day i can play in the snow. And now it became true. He said grinning.

I knew about his father. But i didn't knew that he forbids him to go out. He must've been through a lot. I thought.

Yeah i get it. I think i believe in fate. Everything happens for a reason. And things will happen unexpectedly. Bad or good. Like this. Without you thinking about it your wish came true. I think it's fate. I said thoughtfully.

Yeah, i guess it is. He said looking at me. Isn't it freezing, Harry ? He asked.

That's when i realised that we were sitting on the snow.

Yeah , come. Let's go inside. I said getting up.


Like he said, it was so fun. I've never seen him this happy. This is new. And i like it.

We were going to our own common rooms.

Bye, Draco. I said before walking the other way.

That's when he said. Thanks,Harry.

I looked at him confused.

Before i asked what for? He said. Thanks for coming with me outside when i asked you. I really appreciate it.

I smiled at him and said. It's what friends do. And tomorrow you have to come with me to somewhere.

To where? He asked surprised.

Surprise. I said before walking towards my way.

Good night, Harry. He said. Even though i can't see him i bet he is smiling.

Then i said just looking back for a moment before walking away.

Good night, Draco.


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