Chapter 8

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The ride home was silent. Hatori kept looking at you through the mirror in the front. You were busy snacking on some sour skittles.
Akito was looking out the window.
"That was embarrassing Hatori. Don't ever make me touch her again! People could get the wrong idea." Akito growled.
A sour skittle thwacked him in the back of the head.
"Shut up emo bitch." You said before picking up the sour skittle that was now on the floor.
You opened the window and tossed it out.

Akito glared at you through the smaller mirror up front.
You stuck your tongue out at him before closing the window and returning to your original spot.
Akito started muttering under his breath.
You rolled your eyes and mocked him. Hatori cleared his throat and you two stopped.

"We are back" Hatori announced. As soon as the car was parked Akito got out and leaned against the door that you were about to open. "Really Akito? You think you can keep my door shut? God you are a fool."
You kicked the door open and sent Akito flying onto the ground.
"You are not very smart." you said closing the door.
"You are like string bean I can send you flying with the slightest kick. Idiot."
Hatori went to Akitos side and helped him up.
"Y/n! You can't do that."
Hatori said brushing Akito off.

Akito smirked at you. You frowned.
"I don't know what you are smirking at. It's pathetic you need people to help you up and do everything for you. You need to learn how to be independent. Hatori and everyone else in your family are not always going to be there for you. Quit being a little bitch who needs to be coddled all the time. Grow up." You said before walking away.
Hatori had to physically hold Akito back. He was seething and trying to get to you.
Hatori sighed and felt relieved when Kureno appeared.
Akito ran straight for Kureno.
"They are so mean to me! I hate this!" He said before stomping his foot and storming away.
Kureno gave hatori a look of worry before going after Akito.

Hatori sighed and opened the trunk to grab the groceries.
You grabbed some bags and ran inside.
Hatori stepped into the room to place the bags down when he heard a loud "YUKI" and then a poof.
You came running in holding him.
"I found Yuki!" You said holding the little rat up to Hatori.
"Hello Hatori" Yuki said before turning and looking at you.
You smiled and held him close to your body.
Hatori sighed and smiled a bit. He enjoyed seeing you interact with the others. He started placing the groceries away. You helped a little until Yuki started distracting you. Later on you went to the beach.

"And then he went flying! Like how stupid are you to stand in front of a door? Of course you're going to get hit!" You said talking to Rin who was sitting on the beach watching Hatsuharu and the others play in the water.
"He's a fool." She said before hugging her knees. It went quiet for a bit before she looked at you.
"Hey I..I enjoy having you around. It's nice to see someone not taking shit from Akito."
Rin felt her cheeks growing warm she quickly hid her face.
"Why" She thought. "She makes me feel so happy? Is this what having a friend is like? Can I consider her a friend? No. What if she leaves me. just like they did.."
Rin got up and ran.
"Oh? Okay. Bye." You said watching her run off into the distance.

"Don't mind her y/n. She probably was feeling overwhelmed." Hatsuharu said picking up his towel to dry off.
"I see. Well I hope she comes around again. I enjoy her company." You said smiling up at Haru.
Hatsuharu smiled back.
"Yeah this is the most active I've seen her in a while. She likes you!"
He took a seat next to you and watched Tohru, Kyo, kisa, hiro and Momiji have fun in the water together. Water was splashed, races were happening. It looked like a bunch of fun.
"Maybe I'll get to go into the water next time!" You said before standing up. Hatsuharu nodded.

"It's getting late I should go start on dinner." You hopped up and headed back to the house.
"Now let's see what should I make? Oh?" You found the list Tohru had started.
"Guess I'll work on the first thing until she gets in here."
You started the stove and gathered the ingredients.
Tohru came rushing in. "I'm so sorry I didn't notice how late it was. I can help!" She said gathering up items to help with another part of the meal.
"Thanks Tohru." You said before going back to cleaning the rice.
"I can do that!"
"Thanks Tohru."
"Oh wait I can handle this."
"Ooh wait!"

You dropped what you were doing and left.
"For fuck sakes Tohru" you muttered as you stepped outside.
"God forbid I help and do something."
You heard something and you turned to see what it was.
It was Akito.
"Mm? Ugh. Why is it when I want to take a walk you are always here." He said angrily.
You rolled your eyes.
"Go away Akito. I don't feel like dealing with you right now."
Akito gritted his teeth and stormed up to you.

He grabbed your shirt and pulled you close. "I'm getting sick of you and your goddamn mouth. You need to shut the fuck up and listen to me. I'm the head of the household. You must respect me. You must do what I say. I don't care that you are a guest. You are so disrespectful and I hate you." He said before letting you go.

"Okay? Are you done. Yeah no you won't be getting any respect out of me. I don't care that you are the head of the household. Good for you. I don't care. You are literally the worst person in existence. You are mean, you are cruel. Your attitude is disgusting. How old are you? 5? Because that's how you act when you don't get your way. Like I said before, you need to grow up and learn how to take care of yourself.
I bet if your shoe was untied you couldn't even tie it yourself. You'd whine and beg someone else to do it for you. Lazy motherfucker. I can't stand your face. I hate you. I hate your guts. So try me bitch. Because I will not hesitate on you. You'll get what you fucking deserve."
You said before glaring at Akito who was really quiet.
You saw the deep anger in Akitos eyes. He was seething. He was pissed. He completely lost his temper and he went at you.

"What's that noise?" Kisa asked looking around.
"I don't know but it doesn't sound good." Shigure said. He stood up and so did the other adults.
Ritsu stayed with the younger sohmas. Keeping them together. Hatori, Ayame and Shigure went to go see what was going on outside.
"BOTH OF YOU ENOUGH." Shigure yelled running towards the two fighting adults.
Punches, kicks and anything brutal were being thrown and it was bad.
Hatori grabbed Akito and you were grabbed.
Shigure held one arm and Ayame the other.
"LET ME GO." You yelled anger flickering in your eyes.

"Separate them immediately." Hatori said. He tossed Akito over his shoulder and walked away with him.
"It's alright now. please y/n.
I need you to take a breather." Ayame said.
Shigure helped you up and they both helped you inside. That's when you got swarmed.
"What happened!"
"Are you okay?"
"Was it Akito? I'm going to kill him."

You crossed your arms. "I'm fine..everything's fine I just want to be left alone right now. I'm still angry and I don't want to take it out on any of you." You said before walking off towards your room.
They all watched you walk away. Tohru was the first to speak.
"She needs to stop with Akito. It's her-"
"Leave it. Don't make things worse." Rin said bitterly before taking off in the direction of your room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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