2- Roommates

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Now currently served up their detention sentence, Anne and Sasha both sat next inside the small room, waiting for their time to run out.

The only thing in particular was being that Anne was sitting in Sasha's lap, facing her, instead of using a chair.

Non surprisingly this small request was made by Sasha herself, but Anne didn't mind that.

Their only other source of company in the room was a well known military style like teacher. Yet even so she was currently too preoccupied with being lost in deep thought to take too much notice of them. More thanks to the fact that this wasn't their first time here.

After a few heartbeats of comfortable silence, Anne decided to ask Sasha something. "What do you think about Marcy, Sash?"

"She's really something," her pink eyes gleamed." Especially when she got that cupcake. I think she was trying not to lose herself over that,"

The two shared a small chuckle and smiled at the moment. Marcy really did look like a bubbly and sweet girl. It would be nice to get to know her more.

As their laughter died off, Anne tenderly began moving hair out of her face, just to see her eyes more clearly. But this action soon ended up developing into a soft caress.

Sasha leaned into her soft hand and hummed happily, her eyes closing contently.

Although that wouldn't last long as she slightly winced because Anne had accidentally touched a sensitive scar on her face and she caught ahold of it, quickly trying to hide it.

She hoped that Anne wouldn't take notice, but obviously that wasn't the case as her face slightly faltered.

"I cant believe you got into another fight yesterday. You can't keep doing this," she scolded, though not sounding very mad just very concerned.

"You know how I couldn't just sit there and let Maggie bully you like that," Sasha replied seriously, or more so reminded.

"I know but—"

"And you also know that you weren't technically the one that got in trouble either."

"Well yea but—"

Sasha grinned as she went on. "You just insisted on coming to be with little old me."

Anne sighed and gave up. "I couldn't leave you behind even if I tried."

"I know, and that's what I love about you," she said, gazing deep into Anne's eyes.

Her words made Anne smile and tenderly cupped her face. The brunette laughed as Sasha made a goofy grin.

"Just please promise me that you won't get into that many fights from now on. You've been going to detention and the infirmary way too often," she said, her voice becoming gradually more serious.

And Sasha knew that look and what it meant. She knew it all too well. It was her usual worried one whenever she would find herself in trouble. She was asking her of something. But it was hard not to be reluctant at this.

She couldn't stand to see anyone pick on her. Of course she knew very well the cost her actions and responsibilities. With her going to the detention room so many times in just these pass few days.

But... if it meant that the person that she loved so, so much, didn't get hurt.... then...it would be worth it.

Which is why what Anne was asking of her to do felt so difficult.

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