And to think, all she had to do to succeed is ask herself, what would Sasha do? For one she would have such clumsy feet, and would be more confident in her own abilities.

"You're really good at this!" Sasha praised with amazement. Her eyes glowed as Marcy continued laying out some sick dance moves to the beat.

Although Marcy smiled back at her at first, it all came to a screeching halt as she suddenly froze in place and began trembling, which made Sasha's eyes fill up with concern.

She followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at the increasingly growing crowd watching them play eagerly.


Marcy continued trembling violently, anxiety clouding her features.

Sasha gently took her hand. "I think that's enough of that for today. Let's get back to Anne."

As they got of from the game, the crowd was rather disappointed and slowly started to disperse.

"Are you okay Marcy?" Anne asked, gently rubbing her back, attempting to soothe her.

"She's really stressed out," Sasha commented, exchanging a worried glance with her girlfriend.

Marcy shook her head and trembled even more, whimpering.

Anne frowned. "Here, let me help..."

The brunette pulled her into a hug and gently turned her head to the side so she could listen to her calming heartbeats. Sasha watched them patiently yet also anxiously.

"I hug usually always helps me when I'm feeling scared," she hummed calmly. "I think it could help you too."

Marcy had barely been able to catch what she had said as she already sensed herself mellowing out, her tense body loosing. Their was something magical about Anne that could just make her relax whenever she felt even just slightly off perturbed. Perhaps due to her compassionate and caring nature. The noise in the arcade had now just become a distant buzzing.

"Are you all good?"

A much more relaxed and confident Marcy pulled back nodded slowly.

"Can you.... hug me whenever I'm feeling scared or stressed out? I like being close to you, and it really does make me feel better." she wrote shyly.

Anne smiled at her warmly. "Of course. We can do that whenever you want too. Just say the word."

"At least your in a better mood," Sasha hummed happily. "I wonder what we should do next before we go...?" she mumbled that last part out.

Eager to play another game, the blonde looked around aimlessly for a bit, until she spotted a very familiar game.

"Oh yes! Here we go part two!" Sasha exclaimed with determination, heading towards the claw machine.

"Not this again..." Anne mumbled apprehensively, and Marcy found herself agreeing with her, signing.

As they followed her over to the game, Anne asked this: "Are you sure that you won't break it this time?"

"Don't worry Anne. I've learned a lot since the last time," Sasha assured, cracking her knuckles and keeping a somewhat confident edge to her voice.

As soon as Sasha put a token in the crane game, everything became a blur. Without seconds she skillfully picked up a blue newt stuffy with the crane and lowered it into the prize box.

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