Please tell her I'm sorry

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As Deanna walks towards Bea's room with her eyebrows forming almost a line, Alyssa and the team are looking at her and her spilled coffee shirt.

"She's here."

"I know, I was there when she turned your plain white shirt into coffee brown."

"She's here." Deanna repeated because she didn't listened to what Bea commented on her shirt.

Bea just looked at her and blow out a loud sigh. She knows. She already knew the guest list weeks before the conference starts. 

Deanna looked at her with eyes wide open. "You knew. You already know!"


"You knew she's here."

"I might have a... a... list of all the participants, uhm, weeks before it started."

"I can't believe you!" Deanna shouted and it made Alyssa and the team to look towards their glass-walled room. "All this time, you knew. You knew!"

"Yeah. So what? I know she's here..." Bea stopped.


"I already talked to her. She's not taking the case back."

"What?! Why?!" Deanna's legs turned jelly and sat down on the sofa. "If she already declined, then what is the purpose of the email that YOU sent to her?"

"I also talked to her about that. And... well... she's not taking the case."



Bea got her last glass of champagne before walking towards Jema's table. She quit drinking too much after she slept with a client and lost the case the following morning. Blamed herself and swore on God that she will never drink more than 5 glasses.

She's on her 10th.


"Bea! Oh my God. Actually, I was expecting you here. The best boss of the best firm should be in this best conference." The last line was full-on sarcasm. They hugged.

"Yeah." She giggled, and that made Jema looked at her in shock.

Giggled, not chuckled.

Oh great, I'm drunk. She whispered.

"How many have you had?" Jema asked with a slight hint of tease.

"Uhm, actually, enough to talk to you about this."

Jema raised her brows.

"You have a previous client that recently talked to me about her case."

"Please don't tell me its her case."

"I know you read the news. They found the gun."

"Yeah I read about that."

"I told her a hundred times, she's proven innocent but she has this speech last night that she was motivated by the stare of the people here in the conference. And I told her...

"Wa-wa-wait. This conference?"

"Ooops." Bea whispered.

"She's here?" Jema scanned the room. "She's a lawyer?"

Bea nodded to confirm.

"Wow. How long have I worked at New York. I mean it feels like... I can remember everything like it was yesterday."

"Well, it's not yesterday. This is a 5 days conference. So..." Bea laughed at her own joke. "Sorry." She apologizes as Jema raised her brows again. "As I was saying, she got motivated by the judgmental stares and wants to reopen the case. Wants to prove that the gun isn't hers, and that Maddie was all behind of that. And I know it's gonna be even harder than before because of SENATOR Maddie, but she's motivated."

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