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Meanwhile at Zee's car

Look so sad and worried

He instructed the driver to go at NuNews place...

yes you read it right.. Zee followed NuNew

He wanted to talk to him and say sorry..

while they are on the road.. he is not on his mind bc he is thinking of Nu.

the car stopped. Gi called him..


Look at him confused... what is it!

Nong Nu is here...

Zee:      What!!??

Gi:         Nong Nu is here....!!

he look at the window..
confused they are on the bridge.

Pointed outside the car on where is NuNew enjoying the view

He gave quite sign to Gi and P'Tong

Gi and Tong:
gave OK sign to Zee.

Had a deep breath...
he felt relieved when he saw NuNew on the bridge. he quietly got off from the car while looking at NuNew.

The lights traces on his face... he looks so beautiful Zee said to himself..

While on the car waiting to NuNew.. he saw another car not far from behind.
he got off the car to take a look and ready to guard NuNew incase.
but when he saw f Zee.. he smiled.. and he felt happy for Nong

(he is not meddling on their lives.. but from what he is hearing while on the taxi the younger is sulky to his Hia).

Look on the man not so far from NuNew and he suspected that he is the driver of the taxi.
well it's says from his uniform.

he smile on his self.

he already know that the driver is kind the way he act and ready to block someone going near to NuNew. Also he already ask P'Aof regarding him and he got the details.

he will thank him later after settling the issue with Nu.

he smiled at the driver and sign him to be quite.

Node... and get in again at the taxi waiting for Nu incase.

Zee slowly walking closer to NuNew..

NuNew dint noticed him bc he is busy watching the beautiful view around him.

Zee stands beside NuNew and watch him while smiling

Zee:   Im sorry.... he said to NuNew

suddenly turn to his side and shocked
he saw Zee smiling with a worried look

HIAAA...  (sad and crying face)

HUG him tightly

IM SO SORRY... please forgive Hia hmmm..

Hug him back while crying

after hugging he keep on hitting Zee's arm...

what are you doing here!!!??
you are mad at me the whole day.. then now your here..

Smiling while NuNew doing it.. he is so cute

hmm.. his pulling NuNew's hands and hug him again

Hia is sorry Nu.. I just got a bad day I don't know how to explain..

but can you forgive me naa hmmm..?

Did you know how confused I was... Im starting to question may self

Did I do something ? why are you so mad at me?

your yelling at me without knowing why..

your shouting in front of the other people..

you said you don't want to be with me that's why I went home by myself..

and now your here and telling me your sorry... (still crying but with soft voice)

I don't want you here... go home
I don't want to talk to you now...
I won't forgive you now..

you're telling me that I don't get things seriously bc what??... your spoiling me..?

Hia... it feels so hurt.. it's breaking my heart when I heard those words coming from you

Nu is crying while saying this to his Hia.

He is shocked while listening to NuNew

He feels also hurt while he is saying those words

He felt more guilty because of that

His started to cry and feeling more sorry to Nu

He is ashamed....

Im so sorry... I din't mean it Nu...

Im very sorry if I hurt you bc of what I've told you

I didn't mean it... believed me Nu... please..

Hia is sorry for all those bad words coming from me

Zee fell down and ready to bend his knee while saying sorry to Nu

Catch Zee before he fell down.. he don't wanted Zee doing it.

Hia please don't do it....

crying ... please tell me you forgive me..

please Nu.. IM SO SORRY promise I will not do it again...

I will not say those words again in you

I didn't mean it believe me please

Gi/P'tong and the Taxi Driver is looking at them

Turn his head to the taxi driver.. (with his look he is asking him what to do)

sign to forgive the oldest

Got the sign from the Driver..

he doesn't know why.. but he feels something to the driver..

he just felt warm and comport to the old man.. in the short of span they are together

he felt that he can trust him..

He Hug Zee tightly..

Hug him more tightly
Tell me you forgive me please

What can I do...? If I love you this much

You think I can't forgive you? even your hurting me this much.. (pouting face)

Im Sorry...
I love you more...

kissed him on the cheeks

NuNew:   Smiling..

Don't do it again or I will throw you here (pointing the sea)

I mean it Hia... don't laugh at me..

Zee:   ha..ha.. sure Nu..

but you don't have to throw me there.. I will jump here If something like this happen again.

(smiling to NuNew)

hmmm... you said that..

ZeeNuNew Hug each other at that beautiful bridge while the moon is shining brightly to them...

They stay the the brautiful bridge for a minute...

Zee's BAD DAYWhere stories live. Discover now