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At the Modeling Studio:

Time Frame: 2hrs Interval

First Shoot: NuNew
2nd Shoot: ZeeNuNew
3rd Shoot: Zee

NuNew arrived early since he is the first to shoot

After 1 Hour

Zee arrived at the studio

(not feeling well.. feeling suffocated)
He wai at the personnel's on the studio.

He saw NuNew at the stage
He wai at NuNew

Saw Zee wai at him
Hi smile but he saw something in Zee's eyes. (what's with him?)

Good Job Nong NuNew
rest for 30 minutes since we will re-arrange the studio.

Going to the dressing room to check on Zee, he walk closer to Zee since he starting to get ready for the shoot.. and he hug him from the back

Hi HIIAA... I missed you.
How are you?

He felt NuNew's arm wrapped from behind and hug him from the back, he turn his head to look at him but didn't move to hug him back.

Hi Nu... the only words he say.

What happen to you HIA?
You look down today.. what happen?

Look at NuNew
Im ok.. I just have a headache since this morning and I'm not feeling well

Did you take a medicine?

hmmm.. not yet but I will be fine,
go change your outfit the shooting will start.

Looking at his Hia while walking backward... he came back to Zee with bottle of water and medicine

Drink this first Hia...

Look at Nu with no energy
Thank you very much.

Look at him.. Are you sure you're ok ?

I'm fine...
I told you already.
Now change your cloths so we can finish this early.. I want to go home.

NuNew is shock the way Zee answered him.. when he look at the place he is thankful because no one is in there except for P'Gi there assistant and the make-up artist. They also can't believe what they heard from Zee infront of NuNew and infront of them. This is the first time they heard Zee with that kind of voice and that kind of words...

NuNew bow to them and say sorry.
Sorry guys.. please forgive Hia.. he is not well today so please bear with him.Im so sorry... bow again

Hia... (with sad face)

he closed his eyes..
(he felt guilty but he is not in the mood to explain for now)

The makeup artist look at Nu..
Nong it's ok.. let him rest for now

NuNew: Ok P'...

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