3-"God Only Knows"

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The smell of bleach fills my nostrils and I feel like I am smothering. I notice there's something in my nose and start to tear it away when a hand comes over mine to stop it.
"You don't want to do that honey." A voice says as she does something to the device." It's helping you breathe, your oxygen has been low and it will help you." I swear it must be an angel talking to me. Her voice is low and has a melody that reminds me of a singer I use to listen to.
"You're a hero." She says as she moves around the room. " You saved that little boy."

My mind flutters to the house fire, the wood falling on me, catching Rebecca and Josh fucking on my couch and the hurt starts back again. I feel the tears running down my face and I move my hands to wipe them away.
"You're on some strong medicine, they will lighten the doses now that you're awake. It's been three days since you've been brought here. You have a broken leg, a concussion and some scrapes and bruises. You're going to be alright now though. Your oxygen levels are better, and your vitals are good." She smiles at me and lightly pats my leg. I have never seen such a beautiful smile in all my life and I make a gesture like I'm writing.
"You want paper and a pen? You want to say something?" She says digging in her uniform pockets. She pulls out a notepad with a rainbow on it and hands me a pen. I scribble out what I want to say and hand it to her.
She reads it and smiles her gorgeous smile " Angel? My names Angelica sweetie." She says laughing. I shake my head no. " I'm an Angel?" She says and I shake my head yes.
"That's very sweet of you to say, thank you." I motion for the paper back. And write down what I want to say next .
" Marry me?" She laughs as she reads the paper," You are such a flirt Jolene, you haven't even been awake for twenty minutes and already hitting on me." She giggles and I motion for the paper back I write my last words as I fall asleep again.

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